Dissociative Amnesia

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A person may forget specific events or time periods. Memory gaps.

***I am so thankful to that nurse who had me write down the facts. The facts of what happened. That way I can get them out of my head, I can recall them when I forget certain things. I can recall them when I seem to want to forgive said person.

I am not sure what kind of amnesia I do have, however, it sucks. 
The dentures helped me remember. The pain with the dentures brought me out of what ever trance I was in...maybe a shut down, survival trance.

My ex said he knew I was dissociating when I had my teeth pulled out. He knew for the days that followed. Yet did not want me to seek help.

How dangerous is that? 


I keep a journal now to help me recall memories. I wonder how long this will last for.

I remember the slamming of the cupboard. Sure I left them open for some reason but he didn't have to slam them shut.

The door for the bedroom, he would just barge in, knowing it made a big slam noise...had no care about startling me awake on the daily. I asked him to fix it constantly....

The jump scared my son would do to me. Some how he always knew when to do it at perfect timing. My ex would always be there with him. Did my EX put our son up to it ?

Sure eventually I went in to shut down mode and I didn't hear or see the things that frightened me. 

My ex liked me in the freeze, shut down response, I was easy to control that way

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