Psych Ward

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May 2nd, evening.

I am starting to feel more and more *normal*. My baseline. I am not easily panicked. My visions is clear...well as clear as can be. I still need glasses. The ringing in my ears have not returned> 

After I stopped dissociating and confided in my dad about everything the first night in the ER, waiting to be booked in to the PSYCH unit. The fuzzy, buzzing in my ears dissipated. Gone. The noise in my ears that I was so used to ...for years, suddenly gone. 

The buzzing almost was like a bee hive. Prevented me from hearing things properly. 

I do recall the time I was locked in an outhouse, a bee hive hung in the top right corner. Near the door. I was terrified of opening the door, as every time I did, it would move the beehive. I was frozen, with fear. I am not sure how long I stayed in there for. Long enough for my dad to come searching for me. Earlier that day, my parents bought me a beautiful purple bike. 

Good thing too, as that was the only sign that I was near the area. My dad drove up and called out for me. He was looking for me. I was loved. 

As he called out for me, I yelled that I was stuck in the outhouse. He helped me get out. I was 8 and I was so thankful to have been found and saved. 


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