May 27

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Panic attacks. Vision coming in to focus more. Over thinking. Vision....a bell coming to a full stop suddenly.

What do others experience when Having a panic , anxiety attack?

I was in a parenting group today, topic was *time-ins*.  My thoughts started racing a bit. I was thinking of my older sons and how they have learned to manipulate me even though they deny it. Maybe they don't view what they do as manipulation? 

I then started worrying about where I put my Ativan. Was worried my child got in to it somehow. Then I started becoming even more worried and could feel my self starting to one out. I caught myself.

I told one of the group facilitators that I was feeling anxious and needed to leave. I went to my room and took an Ativan, relieving my anxiety as I count them, knowing my child did not get in to them.

***Even though I was not able to attend the whole hour long group, I am proud of myself knowing that I respect my limits.

I am still in that **fight, flight, freeze** response and will take some much needed time and patience from myself to over come. To let my brain destress from it all.

I am making different pathways in my brain by doing the opposite of what I am used to . That's zoning out. 

I am working on staying in the present, keeping control of my mind, and not letting fear control me...especially when I am not in any danger.

For now I am allowing myself grace and compassion by recognizing my limits and not judging myself.

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