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May 16; nine days since released from the psyche unit

How to deal with a Narcissist. Yellow rock, of whichever that pod cast, on Spotify, that I was listening to while I was in the psych unit. Gave me some very helpful advice. Thank you to the nurse who recommended the pod cast to me. Is very helpful for me today.

I realize that a narcissist's fuel is arguing, they get off on it some way, some how. 

Today my EX has decided to text me and try and bait me in to an argument. I aaaallllllllllllllmost gave in to it. I decided to disengage and keep in the moment and observe my surroundings. Opposite action is what I did.

I have gone around and around one too many times with him, that I am just plain done.

I AM DONE ARGUING. I deserve to be happy, have a calm and health relationships. 

I will not be baited in trying to prove anything to him any longer.!

****it feels great taking backing my power ***

I did ask him though, why he didn't get me help with the dissociation issues I have had. Why he would use it against me. Continuously calling me by my nicknames. That maybe just maybe the reason for my memory gaps, me picking up on conversations that happened just ten minutes ago, etc...were because of *Switching*. The hostility and chaos that I exhibitied.***He had no response besides he is the victim in all this.  That the reason he never got me help or even brought it to my attention was because ......he thought i would be mad. Even though I have told him he had persmission to do so.

Yes I may have been mad in the beginning, however, I would have forgiven him with time.

Now I am learning to be whole again.

Now, now I am no doctor and only my mental health team can diagnose me with DID. Although, I do believe with my eyes flickering back and forth, the blurry vision that comes, is me some what switching.

How evil it is for someone to recognize that in someone, and to use it against them as a form of 




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