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Tips on coping with flashbacksFocus on your breathing. When you are frightened, you might stop breathing normally. Carry an object that reminds you of the present. Tell yourself that you are safe. Comfort yourself. Keep a diary. Try grounding techniques.

I created a book for myself out of those wallet jacket card holders. They say, I am strong, I am safe, I am confident...etc...anything that I need to be reminded of what I am having a moment.

I also purchased this anti anxiety spray. Seems to help. Very grounding to have. Scents help keep me mindful and in the present. 

Tic Tacs...minty, help give a welcoming distraction.

Everyday I am becoming stronger! I know I can trust and keep myself safe.

***Warning tho, if a loved one or someone who says they care for you, uses or has no care for how you respond to those PTSD triggers...they are not someone you want in your life.

There is a proper and professional way to help someone with PTSD. Do not try to help someone increase their stress tolerance without consulting with a professional first. Also the person who has PTSD must be consenting to...the treatment.

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