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February  18 2024, I left my home with my two young children. We became homeless living in a woman's shelter. My daughter still asks to go home there. Its been close to 5 months since.

We finally found a place of our own. We have to share a kitchen with other residents of the home, as it is a air B&B. Its a start to complete independence. 

I am still learning to relax. In therapy, my counsellor and I pinpointed when this go-go-go mentality came from. (the anxiety). From childhood, was never ever able to fully relax. Was always being woken in the middle of the night to go to my aunts house, because my mom was scared for when my dad would come home. 

As we grew up, was always hypervigilant of other peoples moods, having to be aware to keep myself safe.

Watching my dad always working..gave me good work ethic. 

I find myself wanting to go back to work early as I am bored. However could it truly be because I cant seem to relax? So I will continue fighting the urge to go back to work.

**I am saving up for a vehicle, I estimate, if all goes accordingly, i will be able to purchase one in December.


Jasmine, (I), will purchase a brand new working vehicle, with affordable payments in December 2024.

December 2024 I will be buying a brand new vehicle with affordable payments.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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