May third

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Woke up 5 am, the joys of going to bed at 9 pm.

I put on my 'I am affirmations' . After all I am going to have to upkeep these behaviors' when I do leave the hospital and rejoin society. Yoga after a good workout on the treadmill. Feels so good to stretch out the muscles, deep breathing to oxygenate my body. &&& of course the glow I get from the sweat!                                                                                                                                                       Calming sensations. YAY for endorphins I always say.

Journaling and appreciation of my days adds to the joys of appreciating my mental health, family and my world. Appreciate every obstacle as well, as that helps me grow as a person. Helps me become stronger, and in turn helps my kiddos too.

I am not perfect and to be honest, I tried perfection and that lead me to burning out. I will strive for trying my best.

The days are nearing closer to leaving the hospital. unlike April 23rd I truly do feel ready aad stronger. 
The staff at the hospital have given me strength. I feel ready. I am ready to fly and trust my own strength once again. 

My family has been a source of strength as well. I appreciate the support. Even if they don't fully understand how my brain went haywire.


Blasted music on my phone while I danced and sang in the shower. Every day I feel more and more like my bubbly self. I actually have energy for daily life plus exercise. Exercise doesn't feel like a chore any more. Its a very welcomed, much needed, activity. 

I am beginning to like my self from 2009. The version of me that was very healthy.


I am feeling so thankful for this experience. 

I miss my babies...they coming for a visit tonight. Excited.

***Till then...I shall walk on the treadmill. toodle lllloooooohooooo.

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