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Brainwashing victims tend to be listless, withdrawn, and devoid of whatever personality marked them before they were brainwashed. This is noticeable in both cult victims and  in an abusive relationship.

Listless definition: (of a person or their manner) Lacking energy or enthusiasm.

****As I am reading and researching brain washing, the more clear it is becoming of what my EX did to me. Of what he continues to do to me.

He kept me mentally exhausted by continuously arguing with me. Constantly kept the house in a state of disaster, never helping organize it.

***My interaction with him, May 25 2024, was mainly pleasant, due to Ativan. He did try and play a mind game with me. I see it now. The taste. He all of a sudden was over dramatic about a sudden taste in his mouth. He watched to see if this would panic me as I didn't have the same sudden taste as him....cause there was nothing sprayed in the air. He claimed he tasted Conditioner or something.  My intuition was telling me he was playing a mind game.

Subtle mind devious it is. He studied me. He knew how to keep me in a constant fight, flight and freeze. He mentally wrecked me for so long. Distorted my reality. I do believe if he would have told me to kill myself at any point and time, I would have done so. I was under his control.

When I left Middle of February, 2024. I was finding myself again. My happiness that was destroyed. I was becoming the version of my self that I long did forget. My world was becoming vibrant with color. I wasn't in the dark anymore. 

I will always be on guard when I am around him. Never again will he break me.

Never again will any man break me.

I am a fighter.

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