Tic tAC....48 HOURS.

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May 9th, 2024

Been 53 hours approximately since being out the Psyche unit. Some parts I miss being there, such as the food. Not having to prepare of grocery shop. Almost like learning how to adult once again.

****Especially since I haven't actually had to prepare of grocery shop ...since middle of February.

I have taken one Ativan in the 53 hours since being gone. I was feeling anxious at my brothers house, as I do believe it reminds me of when I had the episode. Triggers. I am learning that its okay to feel anxiety and scared...just a problem when over takes...I figured since I have them and I went a few hours without taking when I was trying to keep calm, I decided to take it before it got worse. So my next goal is to go 54 hours without having to take one.

***These days it's still hard to slow down, I still have the go-go-go mentality. I will learn how to relax. I hope. I have to remind myself occasionally that its okay that I am not up to my usual 100%. I also know that I do not want to be functioning at 100% anymore. I will settle for 90%. Show myself some compassion. Love myself. Be my own best friend.

My concentration is still a bit...challenging. Working on it. ***reminds me to make an appointment with my psychiatrist tomorrow.

***List of accomplishments in the last 48 hours:

 Took the bus yesterday, Was able to take my kiddos to the park yesterday, how lovely that was. I was feeling a bit anxious cause there was a dog off leash and make me scared from his barking. I was able to be mindful and did my grounding techniques. Its true what the psychiatrist has said--stress tolerance for my PTSD triggers, or triggers in general. I survived the park--nothing bad happened.

I was able to check out a car dealership...Volvo, wow-oh-wow, beautiful vehicle. Don't worry to my psych if they reading this...I did not make any major purchases. Wanted to gather information on how to purchase a vehicle for when I am prepared to do that in a year.

I do still get this tingly feeling in side my head time to time...mainly when I am around my youngest. I am hoping with time that will dissipate till it doesn't happen any longer.

My stress tolerance with my triggers are increasing on the daily...and dear Google says; to increase stress tolerance you should exercise, relaxing activities (coloring), and proper sleep and nutrition. YAY for a healthy diet!

***By the way, my aunt that I have adopted as my own, her and I made a lovely homemade mushroom soup. I have the recipe if any of my readers are interested. 

If so comment on the story and I will post the recipe on my book.

Anyways, such a beautiful day, I will edit this page later in the evening when My daughter goes home to her dad. 

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