May Panic Attack

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Trembling, dizziness, nausea, vision changes, and increased heart rate. Fear of losing control, fear that something bad is about to happen.

**Had a panic attack today. Everything got so over whelming, too many people around. Vision started blurring, tunnel vision, felt the need to escape, to run away, to run to safety.

I am trying to find a place to live and just so many thoughts and WHAT IFS clouded my head. Was very noisy, inside and out.

********Battered Woman Syndrome***********

google says **battered woman syndrome is considered a subcategory of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). People living with battered woman syndrome may feel helpless. This can cause them to wrongly believe they deserve the abuse and that they can't get away from it.

An emotional abuser may try to erode your faith in your own perceptions and feelings in the following ways:

GASLIGHTINGDefining and trying to exert how they think you should feel Dismissal of your feelings as "crazy," "dramatic," "overreacting," or "emotional" (sometimes, abusers will use others to validate their point of view and invalidate your belief in yourself: such as, "everyone thinks you're crazy") Refusing to take responsibility for their actions or how they made you feel (they may try to frame everything, including your pain, as "your fault")

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