Chapter Thirty Four

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A/N: There are a few POV switches in this so read carefully. Yes, this is the wedding chapter! Enjoy, my loves :)

Caitlin's POV

"Alright, I think we should all start getting ready now!" Pattie cheered as she pushed herself off the couches of the living room.

It was the day of the wedding and excited wouldn't be enough to explain how I was feeling. I was anxious but at the same time ecstatic. I haven't been to a wedding in years and now that I was finally able to go and attend such a beautiful and important ceremony, I couldn't help but jump off my seat and run up stairs to change.

Luckily, I managed to speed by Justin on my way there. The last thing I wanted was to be in the same room as him as I was changing. I closed the door of the bedroom behind me and made my way to my unzipped suitcase. I fished for my dress which was neatly folded at the bottom of the bag and took off the plastic wrapping.

I could just feel the butterflies in my stomach explode due to my feeling of thrill and excitement. I quickly put the dress on and went into the bathroom to get my makeup done and style my hair.

Just as I was about to enter the bathroom that was connected to the room, I heard a loud knock coming from the door. I smirked to myself as I realized it was Justin. "Princess, you know I need to get ready as well, right? Unlock the door for me."

"Just wait downstairs, I still need more time," I called out before bringing my straightener and makeup bag with me to the bathroom.

I created beautiful loose waves to my hair and made my makeup formal enough for the occasion. I knew Justin's family was going to be there and I wanted to look my best and give off a good first impression.

His family was so important to him and I could tell how much he loved them. He cared for them and cherished each one as if they were his whole world. I knew I shouldn't have said those things about Dylan but he also had some fault. He shouldn't have gotten completely drunk and left me to cry myself to sleep that night.

You could say I was overreacting and that I was making it a big deal but try having somebody you love ignore you and make you feel like a complete waste of space.

I quickly shook the thought off as I swiped one more layer of blush onto the apples of my cheeks. Before leaving, I took one last look in the mirror and smiled in content. It was perfect.

Justin's POV

I huffed as I impatiently waited for Caitlin to finish getting ready. It was 1:42 PM and we had to be at the hotel by 3:00 for the ceremony and then 5:00 for the reception. I'd turn 60 by the time everybody, including my mother, was finished getting ready. "Caitlin, come on! I need my stuff," I complained as I continued to wait in the living room.

I suddenly heard the door open from upstairs and I stood up from the couch while praying to god that she was finally ready. My heart started to beat rapidly and for some reason, I was nervous. I had no idea why I felt nervous but I knew it was probably because I was so anxious to see her.

I also knew that she was beyond mad at me. Mad wasn't even a good way to phrase it, she was completely furious. What I did was wrong. I shouldn't have ignored her and I shouldn't have drank all those beers. My anger got the best of me and I couldn't control my actions, especially since I was under the influence of alcohol.

"Okay okay, I'm done. God, you're so impatient," I heard Cait say, causing my head to turn towards her.

My jaw dropped the second I layed my eyes on her. She was wearing the dress. The off-white dress I got her from that boutique in Chicago. (Go back to chapter six if you don't remember.) The dress that made me swoon for her and caused my knees to go weak. The same dress that had me ache for her body on top of mine and the same fucking dress that made me fall so goddamn hard for her. I couldn't help but stare in awe.

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