Chapter Twenty Four

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Caitlin's POV

My heart was beating at the speed of light as I stood at the side of my bedroom and peeked my head out to hear what Justin was saying. I knew I shouldn't have been eavesdropping but my curiosity got the best of me and I couldn't help but listen to whatever he was talking about. As I pressed my hand to the wall, I peered out to the side to get a better look of him as he continued to speak.

He was sitting down on my couch while his left hand was up near his ear. Just as he tilted his head a little, I realized it was his phone that was pressed up to it. If it was just a phone call, why was he talking so low? I decided to stop my overwhelming thoughts and continued listening to the conversation. Thanks to my heavy breathing, I couldn't hear him properly but I managed to pick out a few words here and there.

"She's coming with me right now," he said. He paused and waited for the person on the other line to continue. "Yeah, she's sleeping over." I furrowed my eyebrows as I realized he was talking about me. "Please just clean the house, I don't want her to know." There was another long pause until Justin spoke again. "Alright, see you soon. Thanks man, bye."

I stood back to my normal position and inhaled deeply as I heard Justin hang up. My mind was going through so many thoughts that I knew my over thinking was going to return any second, but I took another deep breath and straightened myself. I had no idea what the phone call was about and I was about to go into a meltdown any minute because of it but I decided I shouldn't show any of my worries. Justin and I were on a good road and I didn't want anything to ruin it, especially since we just recently made up. 

"Okay," I stated as I entered the living room. "I got all my stuff." I placed the bag on the couch, next to Justin, and went to go put on my shoes. I couldn't help but realize my hands literally shaking as I tied my shoe laces. God, that phone call was seriously effecting me and not in a good way. 

"Alright, let's go!" Justin exclaimed as he held my bag and opened the door for me, motioning me to walk in front of him. He closed the door behind us and I turned to lock it but my eyes widened as I realized my hands were still slightly shaking as I tried to put the key in the keyhole. Fuck, get a grip Caitlin.

"Babe, are you alright?" Justin asked as he looked over my shoulder.

"Y-yeah, just feeling a bit cold," I lied while looking back at him. 

"Cold? It's actually pretty warm today," he paused and took off his blazer, revealing a white t-shirt that was perfectly hugging his muscles and toned chest. "Here, wear this."

I managed to lock the door and turned around to face Justin as he handed me his blazer. He put it over my shoulders as I smiled sheepishly at him. "Thanks," I murmured as we made our way to the elevator. The smell of his cologne radiated off his piece of clothing and lingered to my senses, causing me to close my eyes in bliss. Gosh, his scent was so flattering. We finally got to his car that was parked at the front of my building. He opened the passenger door for me and I got in, strapping on my seat belt once I sat down.

"Fucking hell," he groaned as he settled himself in the driver's seat next to me and turned on the car. 

"What's wrong?" I asked, worried at his sudden mood change.

"I'm low on gas and I forgot my wallet at home," he responded as he looked at me, a serious expression being plastered on his face as he spoke. 

"We can use my car or I can pay," I insisted but he shook his head the second the words left my mouth. "Why not? Just let me pay, I have my wallet with me."

"No, it's okay. I can make it home before the gas runs out," he stated as he stepped his foot on the pedal and began driving to his house. 

"Good luck," I sarcastically replied, a few giggles coming out of my mouth along with it. 

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