Chapter Forty Three

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IMPORTANT MESSAGE: Hello beautiful readers!! As you may know, the end of this story is almost here. I'm currently writing the last few chapters and trust me, there's going to be a lot of shocking plot twists and reveals. Having said that...SEND ME A QUESTION FOR MY Q&A. Okay, you may begin to read. Enjoy!!!!!!


September, a few weeks after Cait's meeting with Josh.

Justin's POV

Summer went by in almost a blink of an eye. I missed the green trees and the clear skies as I walked down the streets of Chicago. The auburn colored leafs and rainy weather made my mood as gloomy as the evening sky. I was headed down to the cafe where Cait worked at to drop by and say hello since I basically had withdrawal symptoms every time she left for work or for university. It showed my clingy side but I couldn't help it, she was all I thought about and I wanted to see her every second of the day.

It was odd though. She seemed so distant lately and I didn't know if it was because she was busy with work or all those biology projects. I tried not to worry about it and bring it up when I was around her but there were times where I questioned if we were even dating anymore. I didn't know what was going through her mind and knowing Cait, there was probably a lot. She was always over analyzing the smallest situations and if I could get inside her precious little head and know what was up, I wouldn't have any problems. However, I knew deep down it would be hard to get inside her thoughts. She always blocked out the world when a lot was on her mind and it hurt me to see her like that.

I took a left turn and continued to make my way down to the cafe. I opened the door and the smell of the rich coffee beans hit my senses in an instant, the aroma suddenly awakening me. I wandered my eyes as they spotted the familiar brunette who made my heart beat out of my chest every time I saw her. She was working at the cash register with her apron on, not even noticing me when I walked in. I decided to wait in line and order, hopefully getting a reaction out of her when she sees me. We hadn't seen each other in a few days due to all the stuff she was getting caught up in so I thought this would be a cute little surprise.

My heart started to beat faster as I reached the front of the line. I was so excited to see her and I couldn't wait for her to finish her shift so we could hang out. I missed her and I just wanted to hold her in my arms and feel her breath on my neck when I hug her. I quickly snapped back to reality as I realized there was only one person in front of me. I fixed my jacket and combed my hair back with my fingers as I waited to see her. Finally, the lady in front of me walked away and I stood in front of Cait with only the cash register in between us.

She had her head down as she spoke. "Hi, how can I help-" She stopped midway as she looked up and realized who it was. Her jaw slightly dropped as she looked into my eyes. "Justin! What are you doing here?" She asked as she bit her lip. She looked nervous for some reason and it only made my worry grow.

"Well, why else? I came to surprise you, we haven't seen each other in a while. I miss you, princess." I replied as I pulled out my wallet. She began to press the buttons on the machine, knowing what I wanted without having to say it. I pulled out a ten dollar bill and handed it to her.

"Oh, that's sweet of you," was all she said as she handed me my change and called for the next customer. I stood where I was, not caring about the fact that I was holding up the line.

"Wait, that's it? That's all you're going to tell me?" I narrowed my eyes as I watched her intently. Something was up but I had no clue what it was and why it was effecting her so much.

"Justin," she breathed out as she turned to face me. "I'm working. How about you come to my place at 9:00, yeah? I'll be done my shift and at home by then."

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