Chapter Seventeen

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Justin's POV

I was running faster than the speed of light. I couldn't stop. My legs were moving so quick that I couldn't even feel them anymore. My speed picked up as the voice behind me grew louder and louder, infusing my ears. Threatening me. Making me feel weak.


My breathing became heavy the longer I ran. I had to speed up. I had to get away from that place. It was dark. Not one piece of light could be recognized. The darkness was overwhelming and made me more confused than I already was.


I stopped at a dead end. There was no escape now. There was no way out of that mess. I was soon to be vanished. Soon to be gone. Soon to be nothing but dust flying in the air.

"Justin." The voice was right behind me now. So clear. So crisp. It sent chills down my spine.

I shut my eyes tight. "Go away!" I yelled, yet it didn't budge.

I felt the voice snake up in front of me. I opened my eyes and there it was, flashing me its smug grin. I looked at it in despair. "It's all your fault, Justin." The voice whispered, making me more enraged than I already was.

"W-what are you talking about?" My voice was faint. Distant. Almost unrecognizable. My ears couldn't even point it out.

"Don't play games with me, boy. You know exactly what I'm talking about." The voice became aggressive and loud, making me whince in such projection.

I suddenly felt something making contact with my back with so much force. So much power. That was when I realized I was falling. It was dark and somber. I couldn't see anything but I knew I was falling. I could feel it coming closer. I could feel it coming to a stop. The end.

I gasped as I shot up from my bed, my eyes wide open at the sudden reaction. Beads of sweat rolled down my forehead as I stroked my hair. My shirt clinging onto my back due to all the uneasy sweating.

The room was cold and dark. I looked at my phone. 3:27 AM. I groaned as I pushed the duvet away from me, pissed at how early in the morning it was. My head was hurting like a bitch which made matters worse. I decided to quietly head downstairs and get a quick drink of water.

The cold water running down my throat relaxed me. Shortly after I put the glass down, I sighed in distress. Nightmares were a normal thing to me. Every night it would be the same voice following me. The same voice telling me it was my fault. The same fucking voice degrading me for what I had done in my life.

What confused me was that I didn't have a bad dream in months. I couldn't even remember the last time I had one. But it decided to come back to me out of nowhere. It decided to attack me when I least expected it and I had no idea why.

I wasn't stressed. I wasn't nervous. I wasn't anxious like I usually was. I was fine. In fact, better than I ever was before.

I headed back upstairs and sat on the edge of my bed, running my hand through my hair. I was too fearful of going back to sleep because I was scared the nightmares would come back. I was scared the same voice would return to taunt me.


"2 medium black coffees." I heard the lady behind the counter say as I waited patiently for my drink. I had a restless night. The bags under my eyes were probably darker than my soul and my hair was an unstyled mess. All I needed was a good amount of caffeine to wake me up and the coffee was a perfect idea.

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