Chapter Two

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Justin's POV

9:52 PM. I was lying on the black leather couch for a few hours with all my attention on the plasma TV sitting in front of me. It was a Friday night and I was waiting for Dylan, my brother, to pick me up so we could head to the club and have a few drinks.

Chicago was an exciting place for me. Tall buildings, bright lights, busy Streets. But once you've been living there for several years, there was not much left to do anymore. I moved there with my family when I was 14. My mom didn't like it very much by the time I was 17 so she decided to pack and leave for a place that was more suitable for her.

Having said that, my brother didn't like the idea of leaving so he bought a house here and stayed. I wasn't very pleased of the idea of leaving too so I decided to live with him. Now I'm 20 and he's 26. Big age difference? Not really. He has the mind of a teenager. Always out and getting into trouble.

I heard a honk coming from outside and quickly got on my feet. I slightly moved the curtains to look at the driveway and saw Dylan's car waiting for me. After putting on my shoes, I took one last look in the mirror and fixed the tips of my hair.

"Good enough," I said to myself.

I opened the door and closed it behind me, then rushed into the passenger seat of the black Audi r8.

"Yo Justin, you ready?" Dylan greeted me.

"Yeah, let's go."

The club was packed that night. There were a bunch of people on the dance floor moving their bodies to the rhythm of the music blaring from the speakers. They were grinding against me and it made my body temperature rise as I realized it was starting to get a little too hot for me. I found Dylan sitting at a small lounge with 2 drinks in his hands and 4 girls surrounding him on the red sofas.

"Dylan!" I yelled over the loud music.


It had been only 30 minutes and my brother already managed to get himself tipsy. Fucking idiot.

"I'm gonna leave early, okay?" I said, bending down to his ear so he could hear me.

"Fine, I-I'll come with you." He said.

I watched him as he left his shot glasses on the table and said goodbye to the fine ladies sitting next to him. As we exited the club, the cold air hit me and I felt more refreshed. Staying in a closed area like that made me easily irritated so it was a good idea to go.

"W-where'd we park the caaar?" Dylan asked, slurring his words.

"Near the plaza, we just have to cross the street," I replied.

When we reached the plaza, I couldn't find my car anywhere. After searching for so long, it was no where in sight. Where the fuck was it? I suddenly got a call from one of my close friends, Ryan.

"Hey man," Ryan said. "I borrowed your car for a few minutes, I had to pick up some stuff from the convenience store"

"Ryan, what the fuck? Call me before you use it next time, I was about to have a panic attack."

I heard him laugh over the phone. I shook my head at his stupidity.

Ryan and I met in middle school and ever since then, we were inseparable. He had been there for me through everything. He was in one of my classes and we would always get into trouble. Funny pranks on the students. False fire drills. Anything you could think of.

"I'm at the plaza waiting in an alley, bring it back as soon as possible." I said and quickly hung up.

"Wow, pretty staaars," I heard Dylan say as he looked up and pointed at the sky.

"How much did you drink?" I said while laughing to myself.

It started to get cold so I zipped up my leather jacket and quietly stood on the side of the alley, waiting for Ryan to come back with my precious baby (my car). Time passed by and I was still stuck with my drunk brother and no Ryan in sight. I leaned back at the cold brick wall and pulled out a cigarette. After lighting it and pressing it between my lips, I put my hands back in my pocket and rested my head back on the wall, tired of standing. God, where could he be?

I suddenly heard footsteps coming from the other side of the alley, making me lose my trail of thought. I supposed it would be Ryan with my car keys but I couldn't really make out the figure since it was dark. As the figure started walking closer, I realized it was a girl. A really gorgeous one. She had long brown hair, possibly the lightest shade. She had a very petite size but her tall figure accentuated her body. I couldn't see her face because of the lack of light in the stupid alley.

At the corner of my eye, I saw Dylan stand in front of the girl, making her jump in fright.

"Look what we have here!" He said, reaching over to play with her hair.

I laughed as I realized he was still drunk and too tipsy to notice what he was doing. I watched closely as her chest began to rise up and down, oddly fast. The street light at the other end of the alley shined on her face, making me see her more clearly. Her blue eyes were open wide in shock.

"What is a young and beautiful lady like you walking alone in a dark and scary alley like this?" He said, raising his arms to point around the scenery of the alley.

I let out a chuckle and she quickly shot her head at me. I realized it was time for me to speak up so I wouldn't scare the poor girl to death.

"I'm sorry, my friend here is a bit drunk. You can go," I said to her, with my hand pointing to the end of the alley. Even though I would have went along with Dylan's little joke, I felt bad for her and decided to let her go.

I hoped to see her again.

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