Chapter Twenty Two

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Caitlin's POV

It had been two days. Two dreadful and gruesome days of just sitting in my apartment and mourning over what went wrong. Ever since the party, I lost control of my mind and couldn't stop over analyzing ever single thing that happened. Seeing Justin that close to that girl hurt me in ways that I couldn't even explain. For starters, he knew I was there but decided to go along with his little interaction. Second, he had the audacity to do it in front of everybody, including my friends. You know how embarrassing that is? It was his first time meeting them and it already put a bad impression. 

What hurt me the most wasn't that he did it in front of my friends or that he went along with it. What hurt me the most was running out of the house and not hearing his footsteps following behind me. Not hearing him chase after me. He knew I left but he didn't even bother giving a slight bit of attention about it. He didn't care and that was what hurt me the most. 

The only thing I was thankful for was the fact that I didn't have any classes for the next 2 days. It gave me the chance to actually have time for myself and focus on things I haven't even got the chance to do since I was with Justin. Although I had some fee time, all that was ruined by the constant texts and calls from him that were flooding through my phone like a tsunami. I knew he was trying to apologize but it was like he wasn't trying enough. He thought I'd just pick up the phone and forgive him. Little did he know that it was going to take a lot more than just a lousy phone call filled with "I'm sorry."

Since it was the evening and I didn't have much to do in the house, I decided to watch some Netflix and catch up on my favorite TV shows. After a few episodes in, I could hear my stomach grumble and decided to make a nice dessert. I hit pause on my laptop and made my way to the kitchen, the sound of my fuzzy socks gliding across the hardwood floor filtered the apartment. Before my hand could even reach the handle of the fridge, a loud knock came from the front door.

I promptly walked to the door and placed my hand on the cold surface of the knob while gently standing up on my tip toes to see through the hole. My jaw fell as I saw a lock of the familiar dirty blonde hair and infatuating caramel eyes. Why was he here? I hesitated on opening it but decided not to, giving it a second thought. 

Should I open it? Or should I just go back? Hmm, but if I ignore it then he'll-

"Caitlin, I know you're in there." I suddenly heard the melodic tone of his voice rupture through the door, giving me goosebumps across my skin. His voice was hoarse, as if he hadn't spoken for ages.

I finally gave in and unlocked the door, while using my other hand to turn the doorknob. After it had fully opened, I was met with a distressed looking Justin standing by himself in front of my house. His hair was a cluttered mess, a few strands sticking up in different directions. His bloodshot eyes met with mine the second he looked up from the ground. I couldn't read his face since it was expressionless but I could tell that he was tired. He had bags under his eyes and his skin was much more pale than usual. He had his hands stuffed into his pockets while his shoulders were slightly stiff.

But I didn't blame him since I looked bad myself. My hair was probably a hot mess. My makeup was smeared. And I was sure I looked like an idiot with my Hello Kitty pajamas and fuzzy pink slippers.

"What are you doing here?" I groaned, displeased at his unexpected arrival.

He let out a sigh as he ran his long fingers through his hair, making it even more messy than before. "Look Caitlin," he began. "I-I don't know how to say this but I'm sorr-"

Before he could even render out another word, I pushed the door in attempt to close it but his arm made sudden contact with it, managing to stop it in time. "Caitlin, hear me out!" He growled, his voice seeming aggressive and rough. I groaned as I knew it was best if I didn't fight it but let him continue to speak instead. I opened the door fully again, giving him permission to proceed.

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