Chapter Fifty (FINALE)

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Justin's POV

"Where is she?" I seethed, barely catching my breath as Dylan and Ryan walked into the room.

"She ran out, man." Dylan replied.

"Where's my phone? I need to call her," I asked as I frantically began to look around the room.

"I don't think that's the best thing to-"

"Where's my fucking phone, Dylan?" I snapped, causing Ryan to step in.

"Justin!" Ryan yelled as he grabbed my shoulders and pushed me back down. "Listen to me, man. Look at me!"

My vision became blurry as my eyes began to build with tears. The pain in my chest was unbearable and not being able to at least call her made it even worse. I let the tears out carelessly as I heard Ryan's voice. "You need to stay here and heal. Once you're both ready, you will come together again and speak. This is just not the right time Justin, your health comes first."

I nodded, not wanting to say anything or else my voice would crack again and my sobs would awaken the entire city. I just hoped that if I did let out those cries, she would hear them and come back for me. But she never did.


After a few days of doing testing and check ups, the doctor told me I was free to go. I left the hospital with my dirty clothes in hand and the hospital dress still on. Dylan came to pick me up and as I sat in the passenger seat of the Audi, I couldn't help but let the tears fall again. I looked out the window and my heart broke into pieces when I saw the cafe near us.

"I told her I loved her," I stated out loud, attracting Dylan's attention. "I told her I loved her but she didn't say it back. She left me."

"She loves you just as much, Justin. In fact, she loves you even more. You just need to give the poor girl a break, that's all she asked for."

"Damn it, I can't stand being away from her," I confessed as I looked down at my lap.

"I know you do but right now, she needs time to process everything. This is not the type of stuff she sees everyday and you need to understand that. She's in shock right now and it's okay to feel like that. Just give her the break that she asked for and I'm sure you guys will be able to come back together again and discuss everything."

I shook my head. "And how long is this stupid break going to be?"

He made a sharp turn and parked right in front of the house. "As long as she needs it to be."


Later that day, I limped upstairs to my room and pulled out my empty black suitcase. I gently placed it on my bed and began to pack it with all my essentials. After making sure I had everything I needed, I looked at my watch. 7:40 PM. I quickly pulled out my phone, my heart sinking once I saw the lock screen of Cait and I. I sighed before calling a taxi.

By the time I hung up, I was set to go. I asked Dylan for help with the suitcase and he obliged as he brought it downstairs for me. I sat by the door of the house and waited for the yellow car to pull up. The minute I saw it, I quickly said my last goodbye and headed out the door with the taxi driver helping me with my suitcase.

I carefully sat in the backseat, trying my best not to cause any pain on my thigh, and waited until we reached the airport. When we arrived, I quickly muttered a quick thank you and handed the man at the front two twenty dollar bills and told him to keep the change. He helped me with my suitcase and I rolled it into the big building.

"Flight 1490 to Las Vegas is ready for boarding," I heard the woman behind the speaker say the minute I checked my ticket in and headed inside the plane. It was time for me to go. I knew staying in Chicago any longer would make me mourn over the loss of her and I didn't want that. Instead, I wanted to get away from all the stuff that happened there and focus on something that would make me happier. Something that would distract me from all the memories that I didn't want to remember.

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