Chapter Forty

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A/N: Hello beautiful readers! Hope you guys like the new banner for this story.


Caitlin's POV

I quickly swiped a layer of mascara on my eyelashes before finishing off the look with some blush. It was a Thursday night and since my parents were still in town, they offered to have dinner with Justin and I at a restaurant downtown.

I was glad my parents gave Justin a chance. After everything we've spoken about, it made me feel as if all the arguing was worth it. They would finally get to learn more about him and see that he was not a bad guy after all. However, the only thing that was on my mind for the past two days was that note.

I couldn't look at Justin the same way ever since I read those words. I had no idea how much he was keeping away from me and after so much thought I put into it, I started to wonder; did I really know Justin?

Neither him and I had been in a serious relationship before and we were both new to everything. We were learning new and exciting things about each other day after day, which I loved. However, the note made me think about all the other things I didn't and will maybe never know about him. Which is why I needed to go to cloud gate and find out exactly what he was keeping away from me.

"Are you ready?" Justin asked as he walked into my bathroom. He was dressed in a casual suit which made me swoon for him. Although I was upset that he wasn't being honest with me, I couldn't control my feelings.

Every time he came close to me, I'd get butterflies in my stomach and my palms would become a sweaty and clammy mess. He had an effect on me that no other man was capable of achieving. It was like everything I was mad at him for disappeared into dust and got swept away by a broom. I loved him too much to be mad at him and I somehow continued to let him make me feel this way.

I turned around and nodded. "You look good," I commented as I played with his tie.

"And," he wrapped his strong arms around my waist, pushing me closer to his body. "You look so fucking sexy."

I could feel the temperature of my cheeks rising as I blushed in front of him.

"I just want to pin you down on the bed and make you-"

"We should go," I cut him off as I quickly broke from his grasp.

"Aw, come on Cait! You look so good tonight, I don't think I'll be able to control myself around your parents." He smirked as he adjusted his tie.

"You better keep your hands to yourself, Justin. This isn't the right time to pull any games."

We made it to the restaurant just in time for our reservation. Justin managed to get us a nice table near the bar that would fit the four of us. My parents sat across from Justin and I as we began to eat and talk.

"So you don't work?" My father asked as he poked at his grilled chicken. I knew he wanted to sound tough. I knew he wanted Justin to feel nervous around him. I knew all too well that he was trying to set up a scary image in order to make Justin know that he shouldn't mess around with him.

But Justin was smarter than that. He saw this coming and he knew exactly what my parents were going to ask him and how they were going to treat him. Although they gave him a chance to sit and talk with them, they still wanted to know if I picked a good person to be with. Deep down, I know I did.

"No, sir. My mom owns a hotel in Vegas so my family gets a good income from that. However, my brother works so I'm usually considered the housewife." He replied, his tone of voice sounding confident and proud.

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