Chapter Three

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Caitlin's POV

I had never been that scared in my entire life. My breathing was unsteady as I tried to get the key into the engine of my car. My hand was shaking too much so I decided to calm myself down before driving back home. After managing to keep my breathing stable, I quickly turned on my car and sped out of the dark plaza. 

"Ugh, what a fucking creep!" I said to myself while tightening the grip onto the wheel of my car, still in shock as to what happened.

I drove into the garage of my small apartment and rushed into my house. The amount of happiness I had inside of me was unbelievable. I was so glad to be at home. A place where I would feel safe and not worry about a guy like that ever hurting me. 

I quickly pulled out my phone and texted Blaire and Ronnie about my encounter with the crazy guy back at the alley. After getting dressed in my pajamas, I decided to call it a night and sleep early, especially since I had a new lesson tomorrow and then a long evening shift at the cafe. The problem is that I couldn't sleep, knowing I could still be in danger. I wasn't sure I wanted to go back there anymore, ever since that happened.

The next morning, I was in my car, heading back to the plaza to get ready for my evening shift at the cafe. Wow, I actually found a good parking space. Why couldn't that happen last night? I quickly climbed to the back seat of my car and changed into my work shirt, making sure I had the name tag on too. My body was exhausted from last night's tossing and turning. I had a hard time sleeping due to the fact that I was in utter fear that I might have been in danger again. Shaking the thought away, I quickly walked in and got greeted by Trish.

"Hey Cait, I heard about last night. Are you okay?" She asked. 

I guess everybody knows now. 

"Y-yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for asking. Where's my apron?" I replied, quickly changing the subject. 

An hour passed by and I was wiping a few of the wooden tables that had leftover crumbs and empty cups of coffee on them. I was about to walk back to the counter to put the stuff away in the garbage when I turned around and bumped into a larger figure, making me drop all the things on the floor.

"For fucks sake," I whispered.

"Gosh, sorry. Here, let me help you," the person said, bending down to pick up the paper cups and tissues I had dropped on the ground.

Did I mention I'm really clumsy?

I bent down to pick up some of the stuff and put them back in the grey container I was holding. I looked up at the guy handing me the waste and carefully examined his face. He looked awfully familiar but I just couldn't remember where I had seen him from. His eyes captured my attention. They were harsh but the light caramel color made him look softer. After handing me the last item that was left on the floor, he flashed me a toothy smile and by then, I had lost it. 

This guy was so beautiful and I couldn't even describe how stunning and glowing his face was. And that smile, oh don't get me started about that smile. It took my breath away.

"Oh hey, you're the chick from last night!"

But that's when I came back to reality. It was him.

"And you're the asshole who kept touching me," I snarled at him while getting up and dusting myself off. 

A laugh escaped his mouth as he stroked his fingers through his hair and looked back up at me, meeting my gaze. Stop trying to seduce me, I'm supposed to be mad at you. 

"I apologize, that was my brother" He said, adding a grin.

"Oh, I didn't kn-"

"It's alright," He cut me off. "I'll see you around..." He stopped and looked at my name tag "Caitlin."

He winked and left me standing in the middle of the cafe speechless. I quickly ran behind the counter and pulled Trish by her forearm so I could whisper in her ear. 

"That's him, that's the guy from the alley." I said while raising my finger to aim at him.

"Are you serious? I'd beat him up for you but he's fucking hot," she said along with a laugh. "No seriously, he's really hot. You need to talk to him. Plus, you never have fun around here. You need to let loose."

"I don't become friends with a guy like that. He's a complete stranger," I argued.

"An extremely sexy one."

I rolled my eyes at her comment. I watched him carefully leave the cafe and pull the hood of his dark hoodie over his head. Looking back at the incident, I realized he was really polite. So polite it was strange. His appearance made him look like a bad guy, possibly a criminal. His dark clothing made him look mysterious and scary. His hoarse and raspy voice made him seem intimidating but his smile told a different story. It gave off an innocent image.

I quickly snapped out of my thoughts and went back to work. 

Justin's POV

I opened the door of the cafe and walked out while putting on my hood. Taking the last sip of my coffee, I threw it in the trash can on the sidewalk and walked into my car. I smiled to myself, pleased at the fact that I saw the girl from last night again. She seemed sweet. Except when you know, she called me an asshole. 

I walked into Dylan's house and shut the door behind me. 

"Justin, did you get a pack of beer?" He yelled.

"No?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"What the fuck dude? Go back and get some!" He yelled, standing up from the couch.

I slanted my body to the side to look past him. There were 2 empty beer bottles standing on the coffee table near the sofa. 

"You have issues man. Go and get a pack yourself!" I growled. 

Caitlin's POV

My shift ended and it was finally time for me to go back home. I was in need for some rest. I took off my apron and headed out the cafe, the cold wind instantly hitting my chest as I stepped out. I rubbed my palms together and huffed on them, creating more warmth. I looked down at my phone. 7:43 PM. A few episodes of Family Guy sounds good right now. 

As I put my phone away, a large pair of hands wrapped around my waist and pulled me into an alley. The same alley I walked in last night. I was about to let out a squeal but one of the hands snaked up to my mouth and stopped me from letting out any sound or whimper. I suddenly smelled something and my eyelids became heavy and shut immediately. 


"Why the fuck did you bring her here?" I heard a rough voice as I quickly raised my head up, blinking quickly to regain my sight. 

I looked around and realized I was laying on a cold white tiled floor. The walls were painted a light mint color and there were 2 black doors at the main entrance of the house. I examined my surroundings and noticed that I was sitting in a house. 

"Well, I thought she'd be fun to have around in the house, if you know what I mean." I made out another voice coming from a room at the back of the house. 

"Are you stupid? You have to take her back before she wakes up, we're gonna get in trouble for this." I heard another familiar voice say. "They make prostitutes for a reason, you know. She's just an innocent girl."

God, I was so confused and to make things worse, I had a massive headache. It hurt like a motherfucker. 

"Ugh, fine. I'll take her back. Help me out though." I heard the voice get louder, along with foot steps and that's when I saw the two guys standing in front of me. 

"We have to hurry though, she might wake u- too late."

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