Chapter Twenty Three

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Caitlin's POV

"Goodnight," I exclaimed as I waved goodbye to Trish who was standing behind the cash register. She smiled at me before turning back to the customer she was speaking to and hitting a few keys on the machine.

I opened the door of the cafe and let out a sigh of relief as I took in how much warmer the weather was, compared to any other day in the cold city. I was so used to the freezing snow and long winter that I didn't even realize my jacket zipped up all the way and nearly choking me. I decided to unzip it and continue making my way home, feeling the warmth of the wind on my cheek. After going up the quiet elevator and walking into my apartment, a feeling of comfort rushed over me as I collapsed my body onto the soft couch.

It was a tiring day and what made matters worse was Justin's little arrival at the cafe and his demanding self insisting he'd see me tonight at eight, which was actually in a couple of minutes. I thought I made it clear that I didn't want anything to do with him but knowing Justin, he got anything he wanted with his dazzling smile and captivating charm. 

I let out a huff as I pushed myself off the couch and went into the washroom to fix myself, making sure I didn't look as tired as I actually was. After I applied a light amount of concealer under my eyes, I heard a loud knock, causing me to flinch and make my way to the door as quick as possible.

I took a deep breath before twisting the lock and opening the door, pulling it until I saw Justin standing in front of me. He was wearing dark jeans and a light blue blazer while his hair was neatly combed to the side. I had to admit, even though I was mad beyond words, he looked absolutely irresistible in the blazer and I literally had to do anything I could not to throw myself onto him. 

"Hey," he said, his voice thankfully disrupting my sexual thoughts. I awkwardly smiled at him as my palm, that was still holding onto the doorknob, got sweatier and sweatier.

"Hi," I managed to speak out after seconds of silence.

"Can I come in?" he asked as he raised his eyebrows at me. A small smirk was easily recognized on his face and it bothered me how playful he was acting, even in a situation like that. But I decided to just let it go and move to the side, allowing space for him to enter, and then closing the door behind him shortly.

He looked around the house, almost as if it was his first time here, and then finally sat down on one side of the couch, leaning back comfortably. "D-do you want anything to drink?" I asked politely as I stood still, playing with the tips of my fingers as the atmosphere around us grew more awkward. I kept my eyes focused on my fingers while patiently waiting for him to reply, trying my best not to make eye contact with him.

"No, I'm okay," he said. "Come sit down."

I nodded and took a seat on the couch, making sure there was a fair amount of space between us. It was harder than I thought though. It killed me knowing that a few weeks ago I wouldn't just sit next to Justin, I'd be laying my head on his chest and listening to his melodic heartbeat right under me. But at that moment, I was sitting so far away from him that the sound of his heart beating was just a blurred memory. 

"So let's cut to the chase, why are you here?" I asked, my voice stern and serious. I wasn't up for playing games and joking around but Justin on the other hand was always the playful type. You could tell by the smirk on his face that he was just getting started with the humor.

"I just came to see my girlfriend, why is that so wrong?" he replied sarcastically while a small smile crept on his lips. His teasing angered me in ways I couldn't even explain and I was just about to crack but decided to play along too.

I forced a smile on my face and tried to speak in the sweetest way possible. "Oh, there's nothing wrong with that. How's my loving boyfriend?" I pushed myself off the couch and stood in between his legs. "Has he been getting into trouble lately?" He looked up at me while his eyebrows were furrowed ever so slightly, showing that he was confused. But he quickly hid his emotion by keeping the smug grin on his face. He was playing the game well but it wasn't good enough. 

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