Chapter Eight

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Caitlin's POV

Was I really going on a date? With a guy I hardly knew? Yeah, the whole point of it was to get to know each other but who knew what kind of tricks Justin had up his sleeve. I had to admit, I was starting to feel a bit more comfortable around him and he hadn't done anything to hurt me. Besides, what Blaire and Ronnie said yesterday really encouraged me to go for it. It's not like anything is gonna happen anyway, right? I might not even end up liking him.

I checked the time on my phone and the screen read 7:01 PM. I figured it would be a good time to start getting ready, considering the fact that I take so goddamn long. Justin texted me earlier today, saying he would pick me up around 8:30 PM. And yes, for those wondering, I trusted him enough to know my address. Let's just hope he's not the clingy type who shows up at my house everyday.

I headed to my closet and looked through the clothes hanging on the rack. After a few minutes of searching, I finally found a strapless dress that I bought a few weeks ago and placed it on my bed. Then I bent down to look through my shoe drawer and pulled out my nude heels and put them near the dress. I decided to add a small cardigan and nude clutch as a little accessory. I checked if I had everything ready and quickly hopped into the shower. After putting on my clothes, I rushed to my bathroom to apply makeup. Some foundation, a little mascara there. I'll even kick in some eyeliner since it's kind of a special occasion. Wow, I'm actually going all out for this.

Just as I was finished touching up my makeup, I heard my phone buzz on my bedside table and quickly answered it.


"Hey, it's Justin. I'm here." I heard him say.

"Okay, I'll come down now." I said and hung up.

I quickly put on my shoes and left, making sure to lock the door behind me. As I entered the elevator I noticed my palms started to become sweaty and I had a weird feeling in my stomach. Why was I so nervous? This date was just for fun. I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard the bell of the elevator and the doors slide open. When I walked through the lobby and I exited the building, I was in utter shock.

Right in front of me was Justin wearing a dark suit with a long black tie and a golden wrist watch. He cleaned up really nicely. Sharp. Elegant. Almost as if his "bad boy" image didn't even exist. I looked behind him and to my surprise, I noticed him leaning on a shiny white Rolls Royce. Holy shit. I guess I wasn't the only one who went all out.

"Oh my god," I blurted out.

Justin tore his attention away from the ground and looked up at me, his eyes growing wide. "Wow," I heard him say as he took a few steps towards me. "You look amazing."

His eyes began scanning my body, as if I didn't notice. I cleared my throat so I could get his attention again. It seemed to work because he finally met my gaze. "Oh sorry, you just look so good." He murmured, keeping eye contact with me.

I let out a laugh. "It's alright. You don't look that bad yourself."

"So uhm," I heard him say, reaching for my hand. "I planned a dinner for us at this restaurant a bit far from here. You're going to love it."


"Reservation for two, Justin Bieber?" the lady in the black skirt said, holding a clipboard and 2 menus in her hands.

"Yes, that's us." Justin replied to the lady while getting up and holding my hand.

She lead us to the center of the restaurant and stopped at a small table that had red covers. It contained 2 plate mats, a lit candle in the middle as a centerpiece and rose petals scattered around it. The restaurant was dim but they had twinkly lights evenly distributed, giving it more depth. It's as if it was a scene for a romantic movie. Sure feels like I'm in one right now.

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