03; cute? eww

414 20 23

oh boy, yeonjun was wrong.

twenty minutes pass and this kamal kid still won't talk to him. he looks at the boy who hugging his penguin plushie tightly.

"can i take a look at your— ahh shit! why would you do that!" before he can even touch the doll, the boy bites his hand hard.

"yeonjun don't curse in front of the kids!" mrs choi warned him.

"but mom, look at my hands!" he held up his hand, showing off the teeth mark on his hand.

"you should give him more time jun, he's a kid after all."

"that's why i hate kids!"

"yeonjun! he can hear you!" yeonjun looked at the boy who currently sitting on a couch, he might not have understood but his heart told him that they were talking bad about him and that's what made him cry.

his doll-looking eyes welled up with tears, his lips became pouty as he tried to hold back his sob.

yeonjun sighed.

"look, im sorry okay? i shouldn't have touched your belongings without your permission, i promise i won't do it again." yeonjun shows his pinky finger in front of his face.

the boy looks up at him and then at his hand, he then links it with his small little pinky. yeonjun looks at his hand, cute.

eh? cute? no, i just feel bad for these kamal kids, ew he not that cute..

ok, maybe he is cute a little.

yeonjun felt a small hand caressing his hand, he looked down and found the boy blowing his hand on the where he bit him.

yeonjun heart softened a little.

mrs choi who had been watching from afar smiled to herself, watching his son's soft side making her tear up. she can't help but be dramatic seeing his one and only son.

[√] 𝖡𝖺𝖻𝗒𝗌𝗂𝗍𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖮𝗉𝖾𝗋𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇 - 𝖳𝖷𝖳Where stories live. Discover now