BONUS CHAPTER; sport day w beomgyu!

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yeonjun was cleaning the dishes when he heard beomgyu sigh loudly while slumping his shoulder and resting his face on the table.

"what with the long face gyu?" yeonjun questions, changing his attention to beomgyu.

"nothing, it's just that there is a sports day in my school." beomgyu replied, hiding his face in his arms.

"and? you don't want to go?"

"noo, i really want to!" the brunette slammed his hand on the table causing yeonjun to be startled.

"shit why would you do that!" yeonjun unconsciously cursed, placing a hand on his chest.

"sorry hyungie." beomgyu leaned back on the seat.

yeonjun cocked an eyebrow, confused with the well-behaving beomgyu.

"then why?" yeonjun crossed his arms, glancing over at the brunette. the dish that he was supposed to wash had already been abandoned the moment he started talking to him.

"it's just.. that.. uhm.. i had no one to go with," he mumbled the last part making yeonjun have a hard time processing.


"i just didn't have anyone to go!" he repeated, much louder than before.

"what about your dad?" yeonjun asked, moving closer to the boy.

"he had work.."

"your mom?"

"same with dad.."

"can't they take a day off?"

"they already did for the holidays and so now they can't anymore." beomgyu said with a pout on his face.

yeonjun pressed his lip into a straight line for a minute before opening up his mouth again.

"which day is that?"

"huh?" beomgyu looked over at yeonjun, confused.

"what day is your sports day?" yeonjun asked, with more details.


"aight, i go."

"huh, what?"

"i'll go, soobin can handle this cafe alone." yeonjun went closer, hand reaching out to ruffle his soft hair.

"really?!" beomgyu's eyes went wide in an instant, hands clasping together.

"of course, anything for my boys!" yeonjun smiled in return.


the moment yeonjun walked into beomgyu's school, a wave of sweat cold washed over him as he saw how many mothers and fathers were there.

somehow he just feels out of.. place?

shaking his head, no no beomgyu really looking forward to his attendance today.

walked into the hall, he searched for the brunette head class and as soon as he found it, he knocked waiting patiently while fiddling with the hem of his shirt.

"yeonjun hyung!" beomgyu yelled when he was greeted by yeonjun the moment he opened the door.

"hey gyu." yeonjun smiled softly as he was being dragged by him to the field.

"let's go hyungie!" beomgyu continued dragging him until they reached the field where everyone else was.

"you just sit here with them all, me and the other kids have to wait there!" he pointed to the other kids, his friend.

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