Chapter 8

55 7 16

Lehar's POV

It has been a few weeks and thankfully Dad was understanding enough to dodge the whole marraige topic. Life has been going on like everyday, catering work, looking after Pihu, walking, taking care of errands and then home.

It was a saturday today and after catering to the afternoon rush from the delivery apps I am free owing to the fact that Pihu has her hobby classes scheduled today. 1 hour of painting and then dancing.

I thought its been a while since I have cleaned around the garden and started doing the work with ear phones plugged in my ears listening to my favorite playlist. I started planting the new plants I got, pouring water to the plants. 

I was not into gardening initially but Pihu learned this lesson about planting trees in the school and taken to that idea of gardening. Once she was back from school she pestered me and we went plant shopping, now after 3 months we have some healthy growing kitchen herbs, medicinal plants and prayer flowers. 

At first Lakshmi and the next house neighbour guided us in our task, now we are able to manage well enough that when we have a lot of produce of fresh corainder leaves or curry leaves or ginger or mint, we sell it off for a good price as it is organic farming.

I was busy tending to the plants not watching my step properly. My leg striked with one of the pot and then before I knew it I lost my balance. I closed my eyes waiting for the impact of my body striking with the floor but that never came.

I slowly opened my eyes and they met with a very mysterious, coffee colored eyes. For a second I was hypnotized by the intense eyes, we remained in same position until, he helped me get back on my feet.

He was a muscular man, he looked like he worked out religiously in the gym or spent a lot of time doing physical work. His face looked mature with frown lines, dark under eyes and stubble. He wore a white shirt with black jacket and jeans. A tatoo peaked out from under his arm visible through his half sleeves and an another tatoo on his chest, the designs making no sense to me but gave out a rough, "I dont care about the world", vibe but his eyes shouted kindness and compassion.

Him: Are you okay ?

His voice rough, but had a tinge of softness to it, concern clearly showing. I was right, his external experience is quite opposite to his kind words.

Me: I am fine, thank you for the save. You are ?

Him: Oh, my name is Raghav. You must be Lehar ?

Me: Yes, I am Lehar 

Raghav: Great, your dad said that I will meet you here

Suddenly warning bells rang in my head. Is Dad trying to set me up with this man here ? Not that he is bad looking but he promised he wont bother me about this.

Me: Raghav, I am afraid my dad gave you false expectations. With regret I have to tell you that it wont happen

Raghav gave a frustated, horrified look

Raghav: What do you mean it wont happen ? You dad promised that ...

Me: Hello, my dad is no one to promise this kind of things, this is my life and I say what happens and what will not happen 

Raghav: Ms. Lehar, he even took an advance from me 

Me: Whaat ?

Dad, took advance ? What is he even talking about ? 

Raghav: Yes, and he put my hopes high regarding this, he took the advance and now, you are backing out

Me: Excuse me, I think you should go 

Raghav: I wont go, until I get justice

Me: Justice for what exactly ? We arnt thugs who are cheating away your money. You spoke with dad and its between you and him ..

Raghav: Fine, I will speak with him itself 

Me: Good, you can leave

Raghav: I am not going until I get what I want

He looked at me intensely and I gulped. Is he checking me out ?

Me: Look, there is no point of acting like a thug, call him and come back again

Raghav: No way, I am not leaving until I meet your dad ..

Dad: Raghav, Hi, you came. This is my daughter Lehar ...

Me: Dad, I cannot believe you will do this again. You ...

Raghav: Please explain to your daughter about our deal. She is asking me to leave even though I told her you took advance from me

Me: Dad I cannot believe you would take money so that you could lure suitors for me 

Dad and Raghav : WHAT ??

Me: Yeah 

We heard a loud whistle which trainers have and turned towards the source of the noise. Pihu stood there with her hands on her hips, the whistle now hanging to her neck

Me: Pihu, look your tatha broke his promise

Pihu: Tatha, did you really bring an another suiter ?

Dad: No 

Me: Dad, stop lying, Mr. Raghav repeat what you said before to me

Now Raghav looked confused and out of place too

Raghav: He took the advance ..

Me: See ?

Raghav: For renting me the upstairs portion ?

Me and Pihu : What ??

Dad: Yes, our upper terrace pent house is empty. With this economy, wouldnt it be great to have a paying tenant ?

Me: So he is our tenant ?

Dad: Yes, you thought I bought a suitor again

I looked down guilty for my assumptions

Me: I am sorry, I did not know he rented out the pent house, so I thought sorry for the misunderstanding

Saying that I rushed inside to my room embarassed and looked out of the window while dad and he conversed something and he gave the house keys. Raghav started going up the stairs when Pihu called him

Pihu: Are you seriously ignoring me ?

Raghav: I am sorry dear, with everything that happened a few seconds ago I am still rattled 

Pihu: Welcome to our home, now make its a habit to witness such drama everyday. I am Pihu, the only sane one in this house

He chuckled deeply and I saw a dimples forming on his cheeks, Why was I staring at him again ?

He scooched down in front of her

Raghav: I am Raghav, what is your name Princess ?

Her eyes twinkled at that endearnment 

Pihu : My name is Pihu, that women who you saved from falling on the ground, her daughter

So she saw it ?

Raghav: So, you are Lehar's daughter ?

Pihu nodded proudly 

Pihu: Yes, my mom can be dramatic and loud but she is the best 

Raghav: Is she ?

Pihu: You will know soon 

Saying that Pihu ran inside while Raghav started walking up the stairs. Pihu ran inside yelling for me and hugged me like she does. I picked her up and kissed her on her cheeks. She waved and then I noticed Raghav was looking right at us intensely at me although he waved at her.

I escaped from his gaze and walked away from the window


Hello Readers,

Here is the new update 

Hope you like the meet cute



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