Chapter 19

42 7 10

Lehar POV

I watched him walk away from my home and guessed that it would be the end of whatever we had a while ago. I finished clearing the kitchen and I went out to sit on the patio with my sleep tea I saw Raghav seated on the Patio. He was still in his work clothes.

Me: Raghav, what are you doing here ? I thought you left 

He looked at me and took my hand in his

Raghav: I just want to tell you that, your 6 months starts now

Me: What do you mean ? I thought you ..

Raghav: I left ? Nope, I was just thinking on how to help you out in all these things. So, your 6 months starts now, focus on your goals as best as you can. Once you finish with that, I will be there at the other end of the tunnel waiting for you to hold my hand.

Me: I ..Okay 

Raghav: Now, that is established I need one promise from you 

Me: What is it ?

Raghav: Although I would not disturb you or divert you from your goals I do hope that you will not back out of this after 6 months 

Me: Why would I back out if it was my request and idea in first place ?

Raghav: Well you might get cold feet or you might have trust issues or you might assume Pihu would not like me and you might take a step back

Me: That wont happen 

Raghav: Why not ? 

Me: Because, one of the reasons I confidently came up to you was because of her 

Raghav: What do you mean

Me: Remember last few weeks when I was ignoring you or rather we were awkward around each other ? That was what I thought about all day, I had feelings for you but I was afraid if it was a right decision for me and Pihu. I might see you as great fit for me but will you be a great fit in Pihu's life ? I wondered day and night while pushing you away. 

Me: Pihu, noticed everything and came to me. She confronted me on what the heck is going on between us and ordered me to be honest with her. I told her the truth, she listened and told me what helped me make this decision

Raghav: What did she say ?

Me: She said she already sees you as a family and has been day dreaming about how great we both would look together. She is confident that we both would work out and owing to  the fact that I had my doubts, she challenged me saying that until I try it out I should not be declaring the results. She was very confident that you would stand up to her expectations.

Raghav: Wow, she actually fixed my relationship problems 

Me: Yep, she did 

Raghav: I am glad 

He looked into my eyes and we had a strong eye contact. He moved the strand of hair on my forehead and touched my cheek with the back of his hand

Me: What are you doing ?

Raghav: I still cannot believe you said yes 

Me: So ?

Raghav: I am just assuring myself that I am not dreaming 

This time I slowly raised my hand touching his cheek

Me: Its real Raghav, but I am sorry that you have to wait 

Raghav: The wait is going to be difficult, there is a sweet pain in it. I heard being patient has its own benefits 

Me: That is right 

Raghav: So this 6 months, will I be able to see you atleast while I am having my food ?

Me: Yes 

Raghav: Will I be able to touch you like this ?

Me: Like what ?

Raghav: Like this ?

Saying that he leaned in and kissed my forehead 

Me: Nope, this 6 months I would be a friendly yet strict land lady who you should be afraid too cross

Raghav: Come on, that is going to be easy but you know what is the difficult part ?

Me: What ?

Raghav: To know that you will be mine soon in a while and viceversa and yet not being able to get close to you. I am afraid, I will be seeing very less of you.

Me: you are worried about that right ?

Raghav: Very much, I come home around 8 and you would be either working on your orders or working on your degree. Other than your hello I am sad I wont be able to spend time with you

Me: Well, you are going to be busy too right ?

Raghav: Yeah, but I am just a dude working his ass off on a project but you are a superwomen, multi tasking and working hard all the while being this amazing mother

Me: Dont worry, hopefully 6 months will be over soon 

Raghav: I am gonna miss this 

Me: You will still see me but I am gonna miss this too. I am still in daze on how quickly we reached this stage

Raghav: Seems like magic too me 

Me: Nope I feel like dad and Pihu had some hand in it. Always putting us in situations so that we had to talk. Did you notice they make themself sparse when you are around with me ? 

Raghav: I did, everybody needs a cupid like both of them

I smiled and he carressed my cheek again

Raghav: I love your cheeks, they are dimpled and they are round, smooth like butter. Sometimes I feel like pulling them while sometimes I want to touch them or even kiss ...

I raised my eyebrow and that shut him off 

Me: I think we should go to sleep, its pretty late 

Raghav: Yeah 

We both stood up and he stood there for few seconds reluctant to go. I turned away from him and started walking away when I felt him hug me from the back, startling me. His hands holding me by the waist, his head laying on my back.

Raghav: Sorry, please 5 seconds. This hug is going to keep me sane for the next few months. 

He said this with his low husky voice and it did melt my resolve a bit. 

I shrugged out of the hug and he looked scared, like I would punch him. I slowly walked close to him taking his hands, putting them around me, hooking my hands behind his neck. 

Me: This is the last time I would be hugging you until the 6 months is up. So make the most of it. This hug is also a good luck hug for your presentation.

He gave me a dimpled smile and pulled me closer. I got a whiff of his scent which did wonders to this late night stolen moment. This was my first hug after ages I believe so it made me a bit emotional.

When he felt my wet tears on his neck he looked at me concerned 

Raghav: Are you okay 

Me: Yeah, just enjoying the moment 

He chuckled and wiped my tears away. I think it was after an hour that we separated from our hug.


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