Chapter 17

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Raghav POV

It has been a week since I proposed to Lehar and as expected she has been puposefully avoiding me. Ofcourse, her family did not know the hide and seek we were playing so they just thought she was busy with her course.

The only time I even get a glimpse of her is when she is sitting on the patio, looking at the stars. I try to talk to her but she glares at me and rushes inside. Ah, why cant she just listen to me once ? I see Pihu and I try to get some information about Lehar through her, but Pihu has not been giving me any hints or any answer to my indirect questions. She just gives out a teasing smile and shrugs.

I woke up in the morning today to do my yoga. Once I was finished with that I went out for a quick run and rushed to finish my shower. When I came out after getting ready I saw Lehar outside in the garden, watering the plants.

Me: Lehar ?

Lehar turned towards me and glared at me 

Me: Lehar, I am sorry ...

Lehar: What are you sorry about ? Are you sorry about proposing ..

Me: No, I am not sorry about proposing. I really do like you and I am not going to apolozise for liking you but I am sorry that you were startled and although I wanted to kiss you, I did not want to make you uncomfortable. I never wanted to invade your personal space and nor I wanted to rush you into things ...

Lehar: Look Raghav, both of our lives are different. You are young and its bound to happen that people are infactuated with opposite sex. So, I am willing to let it go if you do not bring up the silly crush again

She was walking away and I know I had to stop her. I held her hand in mine, stopping her.

Me: I am not some young, desperate guy who is hitting on an older women to take advantage of her. Infact we are of same age or rather I am 2 years older than you. Just because you had a kid early does not make you an old woman. And, just because you are a mother does not make you unlovable. 

Me: I am in to you Lehar, that is the truth. I know it will take some time for you to get used to that fact that I am indeed in love with you, until then I wont pester you. But, when you decide on what you want to do with us once you trust my feelings for you, you know where to find me.

I walked away from there leaving her staring at my back. I know the one mistake I have done was to give into the temptation and kiss her yesterday night. If not for that mistake may be she would have believed the truth of my feelings.

I wont rush her or bother her from now on. The decision is in her hand and I will wait until she understands and trusts me.

Lehar POV

Raghav freaking kissed me a few days ago. I was angry, I was annoyed but it was not because he kissed me but it was because I enjoyed the feeling of being kissed by a guy I was crushing on. It was not a real kiss but it was intense enough which made me wonder on how would it be if we really kissed ?

For the next few days I avoided him because I was afraid he would see me blushing or he will look into my eyes and gloat on how much I liked it, hence I avoided him through out the day but at night while being seated in front of the mirror I replayed the memory. 

I replayed the whole scene on how his hot lips felt on my sensitive skin. I recollected about how he slowly showered those kisses taking his time while leaving a hot trail of breathe on my skin, all the while moving his hands from my face to my exposed waist. 

When his lips reached till the side of my lips I think he even squeezed my waist holding me to himself. At that moment I remembered how I wanted him to continue what he was doing until I heard the loud chatter of Pihu. I was a mother who was making out with a guy ??

I pulled away and ran away from him that day. I missed him since then until I saw him in the morning. He looked like he did not get much sleep but he still looked hot and handsome. In his sky blue shirt he was a treat to look at.

I thought he would forget about the proposal and agree it was a mistake but rather he announced how serious he was about us and left. What do I do now ?

Oh god, please help me


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