5sos concert experience

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i finally saw 5sos live. after 3 and a half years. the boys i have been so proud of for what they have achieved. i remember being 12 (lmao) and listening to unplugged Ep which i had bought of iTunes and thinking wow they are cool.

now look at them !!! they are massive. their lives have changed so much.

when i saw michael, the boy i have liked since i heard him swear for the first time cause it was hella hot he was real.

i was in a state of shock and just like wow he's real (and major heart eyes as my friend laughed as i hyperventilated and started crying !!)

I haven't met them before and hope one day i do. i would love to met any of them, but if i met michael i would be speechless.

he means so much too me even though I'm just a fan !! :(

ur fav is real. they are living. they have a public life and a personal life. i know we like to think we know them but we don't. we don't know how they act with their families, friends or strangers in real life when not in the public eye.

who knows, they could be putting on an act? i would like to think they aren't so my dreams aren't crushed but i have learnt to keep my expectations low so I'm not hurt.

but from what we know they are amazing. we have gone through so much as a fam and I'm glad we have stuck together (most of the time...)

but i hope you get too see your favourite band live. even if it's not 5sos.

tell me about 5sos concert experiences/5sos concert experience you have imagined if you haven't seen them live/meeting 5sos/imagining meeting 5sos


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