he finds out you liked another one of the boys before him

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You had just got home from work, and you called Ashton's name and he didn't reply. "Ash"? You said, walking up to your room. You saw him cuddled up to your pillow and his eyes blood red. "Babe? What happened? Are you getting hate"? You asked, walking over to him and resting your head on his shoulder.

"Y/N..." He mumbled. "Yeah"? You asked frowning at his twitter notifications. "Why didn't you tell me you liked Calum before me? Do you still like him? Hes hotter than me, and can sing better than me and is taller than me and -"

"Ashton. The reason why I didn't tell you is because, I love you. I only liked Calum for a while, and I'm glad I stopped liking him because this would have never happened" You said. "And you are much more hotter than Calum and I adore your voice, your drumming skills and height" You smiled.

"I'm sorry" Ashton sighed. "I love you" He said, gently kissing you.


"Y/N"? Michael's voice called, sounding angry. "Whats up Mike"? You asked, popping your head around the corner of his door. He looked up at you sadly. "Do you love me"? He asked.

"Yes! Of course I love you Michael! Why would you think I wouldn't"? You asked confused. "Because... Fans are saying when you were in the fandom you loved Ashton and not me" He frowned. "Michael... How did you find out"? I asked him. "Just go to Ashton, I bet you are cheating on me with him anyways" Michael said harshly.

"Are you serious"?! You shouted. "Are you"? He asked. "I don't love Ashton! I love you! I was 15 when I said that"! You yelled back. "So you don't love Ashton"? He asked more calmly. "No, of course not" You replied. "Are you sure"? He asked. "Michael! Do you want me to go to his house now"? You asked. "No"! I yelled. "I love you" he said, pulling you in for a passionate kiss.


"Bye Michael"! You shouted, walking into the house smiling. "Have fun"? Luke said, scaring you standing right in the hallway. "We didn't do anything! It's a surprise"! You grinned at your boyfriend. "That you two are dating"? Luke asked, scowling. "Seriosuly? No" You replied. "The fans said you didn't like me, you liked Michael" He whispered.

"Lucas Hemmings, the fans may be right that I used to like Michael, but I love you. I never loved Michael" You said. "Okay..." he nodded, not believing you. "Why don't you believe me"? I asked. "You always are with Michael, and you guys are really close..." Luke whispered.

"Luke, please believe me. I don't love Michael, I only love you, and forever? Okay"? You smiled softly at Luke. He nodded smiling. "I love you too Y/N"


"Y/N"? Calum called. "Yeah, Cal"? You said, walking into his lounge room. "What is this"? He asked pointing to your old twitter. "The tweet, Y/N"! He said harshly. You bent over and read the tweet from over your boyfriends shoulder. "Calum... That was 2 years aho, babe" You frowned. "Do you love Luke more than me"? Calum asked. You shook your head.

"Of course not, Luke is like a brother now" I said. "Okay..." Calum said shakily. You sighed, walking around to Calum and making him face you on the couch. "Calum"? You whispered. He looked up, looking sad. He pouted at you, making you groan. "Don't do that face Cal! You know it's adorable" You sighed. "Kiss me"? He asked.

You leant in, pressing your lips against his moudling perfectly together. You pulled away slowly, smiling. "I love you Calum Hood" You grinned. "I love you Y/N Y/L/N" Calum grinned back.

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