he meets your parents for the first time

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P.S mikes is also him telling you he loves you for the first time :-) and in Luke's one, after he sings his solo bit it's just gonna go to your parents meeting him ok x


"Ash, don't worry. They will love you" You sighed, telling your boyfriend for what felt like the hundreth time to calm down. "Okay" he nodded, walking up to your front door clutching your hand tightly. You knocked on your door, after a few moments your mum opened the door smiling widely. "Y/N! I see you brought Ashton" she said, smiling at him as he smiled back. "Hello Mrs Y/L/N" he smiled shyly.

"Oh, please call me Y/M/N"

You both walked inside, as you felt Ashton's grip on your hand loosening now not clutching it like before. "Hello Y/N, Ashton" your dad nodded sticking his hand out for Ashton to shake.

"Hello sir" he smiled, shaking your dads hand.

During the dinner your parents were asking Ashton a lot of questions, especially about the band as he happily answered. "Thank you for the lovely dinner" Ashton smiled widely, standing up and taking your mums plate as you took your dads and walked into the kitchen.

"How do you think I went"? He asked, leaning slightly against the bench. "They really like you Ash" you smiled up at him. "That's good" he muttered pressing his lips against yours.


You had invited Michael to a family get together where all your cousins, aunts and uncles would be. The main reason why you wanted him to come was to meet your parents.

"C'mon Michael" you sighed, pushing through all your family as they looked at you both. You eventually got to your mum who was chatting to your aunt.

"Hi" you smiled at them both. "You both came"! You mum smiled. "You must be... Mitchell right"? Your mum said. You groaned at your mum.

"It's... Michael" he chuckled. "Oh! Y/N had been wanting me to get it right. Sorry Michael" you mum nodded. "Hello Mrs Y/L/N" he smiled. 

"Y/N! You never told me you had a boyfriend" your aunt gasped. "Uh, yeah. This is Michael" you said introducing him to your aunt. "Hello Michael! I'm Y/A/N" she smiled.

"Hello, Y/A/N" Michael replied.

After having dinner, you found your dad and went over with Michael to meet him. "Hi dad. This is Michael" you said to him as he nodded. 

"Hello Mr Y/L/N" Michael said, more nervous than meeting your mum. "Hello Michael, having fun"? He asked. "Yeah, I am" Michael nodded. "I hear you are in a band"? He asked. "That's right" Michael nodded, looking over at your quickly.

"You won't break her heart now, because you better watch out if you do" Your dad said sternly as Michael nodded. "I would never hurt Y/N... I, I love her" Michael smiled.

You slowly looked up at Michael grinning. "You do"? You whispered. He nodded at you, slightly pink. "I love you too" you said, squeezing his hand as he continued to talk to your dad.


"Y/N, which one is your boyfriend"? You mum asked as she watched the 3 boys run around stage and Ashton sit and play the drums. "Luke, he is playing the guitar wearing the grey nirvana shirt" you said pointing him out. "His solo is coming up next" you smiled excitedly. 

You watched Luke as he ran to the microphone and sing his part in Try Hard. You saw him look over at you and flash you a smile.

But now, who knew?

She's in the crowd of my show

Nothing to loose

She's standing right in the front row

The perfect view

She came along on her own

And there's something that you should know...

"Hey! You guys did great" You grinned at the 4 sweaty boys ran off stage grinning. "Thanks Y/N" Luke smiled to you, quickly kissing your forehead and looking up at your parents smiling. "Hi Luke, I'm Y/N'S mum" Your mum smiled at Luke. "Hello, nice to meet you" he smiled, awkwardly. 

"And I'm Y/D/N, Y/N'S dad" Your dad said, sticking his hand out as Luke shook it firmly. "Hi sir, nice too meet you also" Luke nodded. 

"You're a wonderful singer Luke" My mum commented Luke replying back with a thank you. "Y/N, we will just be waiting in the car" Your dad said, as they said goodbye to Luke. 

"Um, I'll text you in the morning"? You said. "Okay babe" he smiled down at you. "Goodnight Y/N" He whispered, kissing you gently. "Goodnight Lukey. I love you" you smiled. "I love you too" he replied.


You woke up, throwing your hair in a bun not bothered fixing the knots that had formed from the night before. You went downstairs hearing voices, and as you turned the corner you saw your mum talking to another lady... And her son? Calum?

"Cal"? You called out, and he turned around grinning. "Morning sleepy" He joked, as you rolled your eyes at him. "Morning to you too" You yawned, leaning against him sleepily. "Hi Mrs Hood" You smiled at her. "Hi Y/N" She smiled back.

"Y/N! I used to be best friends with Calum's mum, and surprise she is Calum's mum" your mum smiled. "Really? That's weird and cool" you laughed. "How long have you guys been going out"? Calum's mum asked. "Er, 2 and a half months"? You said. 

"He has been very busy with the album" she said, as you nodded. "Yeah, but it is gonna be such a great album"! You grinned up at Calum. 

"Well, I'm gonna get changed" You mumbled, leaving Calum's side and walking back up to your room.

A/N whoops idk about Cals..

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