best friends collab w/ hungoverhoodplease

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A/N Hi! This is a reaLLYYYYYYY long preference, like 2900 words long and it is also a collab with hungoverhoodplease :) She wrote Luke and Ashtons, while I wrote Muke's. I will be doing more collabs in the future so yeah x


you and Michael had been best friends forever. Literally. Your parents were best friends and it would ruin the 'tradition' if you and Michael also didn't become friends.

You were introduced to Michael when you were born and he was already 1. Ever since then you had done everything together, which caused you to create weird feelings towards him.

You were now 17 and realised you were in love with Michael. You hated yourself for it but Michael was attractive and you had spent a lot of time together.

You had tried to avoid Michael for the past 2 weeks and it wasn't easy. Michael came over on the first day and you made him leave because you felt 'sick'. He said he would give you cuddles which made you blush but you rejected his offer.

"No Michael"! You giggled as he tickled your sides and tried to come back inside and cuddle. "Pwease" he pouted as you shook your head. "You'll get sick" you whined as he rolled his eyes. "Since when did you care that I got sick"? He asked. "Since now" you retaliated.

He eventually left your house, much to your relief. The next 2 days he also came over then stopped until exactly a week later when you were starting to miss him. You never realised how much of an impact he had on your life until then.

Today was the day you were going to admit your feelings to him which would probably freak him out. You held your breathe and knocked on the door to his house. His mum, Karen opened the door.

"Hi Y/N! Are you here for Michael"? She asked as you nodded. "Ah, he's just upstairs in his room" she smiled. You thanked her and went up.

You knocked on his door, as he grinned when he saw you. "Y/N"! He said, hugging you tightly. "Hey Mike" you blushed as you hugged him back. "What's cooking"? He asked. You shrugged, shifting awkwardly.

"I need to talk to you... It's important..." You said. He nodded adding, "I also need to tell you something important"

"Okay. You first" you said as he gulped. "This is gonna sound really cheesy but, after you kicked me out of your house a week ago I have been moping around doing nothing but playing video games. You have made such an impact on my life and make it so much better than it is. I love sleeping over at your house, and being able to cuddle with you then waking up in the morning seeing you lying next to me and sleeping. I want to see this every morning and be able to hold you whatever time of day. I want you to be mine Y/N, and it sounds crazy because you are my best friend but I... I love you" he said, whispering the last part.

"I don't need to tell you anything now" you smiled, pressing your lips against his and he smiled. "I love you Michael".


Luke: "Who's that?" You mumbled to Luke, pointing to an unfamiliar face in the crowd of people.

Luke scoffed, "Who? Him?" He nodded over to who you assumed was the new kid and you shook your head yes. "The new kid. I don't know his name but I would, uh, I would stay away from him." He scratched the back of his neck as his eyes still focused on the brunette boy.

"Why?" You asked, eyebrows furrowed as you peered over at him. He leaned his shoulder against one if the baby blue lockers before looking at you. "You know he's, he's bad new."

"How do you know?"

"Michael told me." He said, his eyes leaving yours to look back over at him.

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