song preference - little black dress (1D)

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'Little black dress just walked into the room, making heads turn can't stop looking at you'

You had been invited to your cousins 21st birthday party, and you barley knew anyone there making you anxious. You quickly got out of the taxi, passing the money and thanking the man.

You walked slowly towards the door, fixing your little black dress you were wearing. You heard some yells of excitment from inside, and you quickly made your way to the door, pushing it open. You made your way inside, peoples heads turning too look at you. You looked over in the distance seeing your cousin and a boy, and that boy was staring at you.

You looked down not wanting to see the people looking and made your way to your cousin. "Happy birthday"! You grinned at her, hugging her. "Hey Y/N! Thanks! This is Luke, Luke this is my cousin Y/N" Your cousin introduced you to the boy that was still looking at you.

"Hi Luke" you smiled shyly. "Hi" he smiled, breathing out slightly uneven. You looked up again seeing Luke still staring. "What? Something on my face"? You asked, wiping the side of your mouth. "No... You look beautiful" he muttered, blushing making you blush in return.


'Little black dress, did you come on your own?It's too late, it's too late, it's too late to go home'

"Let go of me! I need to get home" You spat at the boy who had just grabbed your arm. "Oh Michael"! You smiled. "Hey Y/N, you come by yourself tonight"? He asked, you nodding in reply. "Did you"?

"Yeah, I did" he nodded. "Um, I gotta get home Michael I'll -" "Nope, you are coming to mine. Too many creeps outside now" he said grabbing your hand and pulling you out of the club. "Thanks" you muttered, as he contuined to hold your hand until we reached his car. "Hop in" he said, as he opened his side and got in putting the keys in.

You sat in silence as he drove to his house. "The boys are over" he murmered, seeing lights on in the living room, and pulled up taking the keys out. "Okay" you smiled. As you both walked towards the door, it opened. "Y/N"! Calum shouted. "What are you doing here"? He asked.

"I was at the club, and Michael saw me and took me here" you shrug. "Oh. That was nice Mike" Calum smirked, letting you both in.


'I wanna see the way you move for me baby'

You and your friend were in a new club, just dancing and laughing drunkly at each other. Most of your friend were drunk except for you and your other friend. You were still sober enough to understand stuff and not do anything stupid.

You felt a pair of eyes on you, and you turned seeing a boy a few seats away burning holes through your head, while his friends laughed around him. You smirked at him, swaying too the music not breaking the stare. You watched as he got up from his seat, and made his way over to you.

Your breathe hitched as you saw him. You looked away, as he pressed his hands to the side of your body and swayed with you. "Nice dancing" he smirked, ducking his head and pressing his lips to underneath your ear making you smile.


''little black dress whats your favourite song? Little black dress I won't do you no harm'

You were sat at a big christmas party, which you didn't want to be at. You had a cup of alcohol even though you didn't drink. You sighed, looking down at the liquid and decided to have a sip or two.

"Hi" you heard a voice say which made you look up. "Uh, hi" you muttered. "I'm Ashton" He said. "Y/N" you replied. "Just as bored as me, Y/N"? He chuckled. "Yeah, I am" you laughed putting the alcohol down. "Well, how old are you? Favourite colour"? He asked.

"Uh" you muttered. "C'mon, I won't hurt you" he smiled dimples showing. You looked him up and down deciding you could trust him, maybe. "I'm 18... And my favourite colour is blue" you replied. "How old are you"? You asked. "19" he smiled.

"Why are you at the party"? You asked. "My dad is like the host, we always have huge christmas parties" he smiled. "Oh, thats... Cool"? You nodded. "You look very gorgeous Y/N" Ashton grinned, making you blush. "Thanks" 

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