song preference - kiss me kiss me 5SOS

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"Headlights, hold tight turn the radio loud"

"Turn up the radio Luke" you yelled, as you stood up, and poked your head out of the sunroof. "This is amazing" you laughed, as you held on tight and heard the music get louder.

"It's amazing up here, all the headlights and cars and the wind" you yelled getting a rush of adrenaline. "I feel like I'm Sam in Perks of Being a Wallflower" you said, as you heard Luke chuckling and you spread your arms out and let the wind push your hair back and making you feel infinite.


'let me know where to go, and I'll get you there'

"Where'd you wanna go"? Michael asked as he drove around without wanting to go anywhere in paticular. "Uh... When I was little I used to go to this cave near this beach" You replied, as Michael nodded and started driving. "The beach is actually around here" you said as Michael kept driving.

"Is it that little beach that no one goes too? It's about 10 minutes from here" he said, as you nodded remebering the things you did as a child. "Yeah, that one"

After 10 minutes you had reached the beach and you both got out as you lead the way to the small cave.

"How the hell did you find this place? It's in freaking Narnia"! Michael commented, running around and stubbing his toe on a rock. "Ow! Can you kiss it better"? He laughed.

You hit him laughing "You're disgusting"

A/N hello i'm lazy and haven't updated in a bit and this isn't even good but in the next few days i'll go back and add ash and cal and fix the errors so don't comment about how I haven't edited or anything cause i know :)

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