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harryave dedication

Ashton as smAsh:

You stood their looking at your cat which somehow managed to get into the tree above you.

You didn't know how to get him out, because it was high up and you were tiny. You sighed, contemplating on climbing the tree or not.

You looked around hoping someone tall and friendly would come around. You stood there looking dumb for the next 5 minutes until you saw a boy dressed in a tight, muscly blue and red bodysuit. You looked at him quizzically as he smiled.

"I see your cat is up there"? He stated as you nodded. "Uh yeah... Would you be able to get him down"? You asked. The boy nodded, and looked at the cat whilst the cat started moving and jumped down. [A/N i have no idea about smAsh's abilities and stuff so yeah, just go along with it] You stared at the him and he kept on smiling.

"Here you go Y/N" he said, picking up your cat and giving him to you. "How do you know my name"? You asked. "Let's just say, we know each other..." He said and walked off which wasn't very superhero like but oh well.

Michael as Spider-Man:

You were walking around the city, carrying your latte' and trying to get to your work when you saw something faint out if the corner of your eyes.

You ignored it, and kept walking fast pace towards your work. When you got to the doors you heard people gasp and start yelling. You turned around from instinct and saw a boy... man? superhero...?

He was dressed in a red and blue spandex body suit, which looked like spider webs. Ah, Spider-Man. You has heard people at your office talking about him. You walked into your work and went into the elevator and chose the level. "Hi" you heard a voice say, as you jumped and saw Spider-Man.

"What the hell" you whispered. "Sorry if I scared you. I'm Spider-Man" "I know... I'm Y/N". "After you finish, meet me outside" he said, as you looked at him skeptically. When the elevator dinged, signaling you had reached your level Spider-Man ran out, and flung his hand out, making webs come out from his wrist. Your eyes widened, as the web latched on to a building outside and he got pulled to it.

You watched as he got smaller and smaller, by latching the web onto the buildings. You smiled to yourself and walked to your desk.







You quickly packed away all of your things into your bag, and went back down into the elevator and walked outside and waited. You screamed, and felt yourself being lifted off the ground and you looked up and saw Spider-Man smiling at you. "Hey"

"This is... amazing" you breathed. "It's pretty cool" he nodded. "How"? You asked. "Long story. I'll tell you another time" he smiled, as he put you back down infront of your office and went off.

Luke as Human Torch:

You screamed as you watched the building crumble in front of youre eys. There were lots of screams and yelling as fights broke out. You stood their trying to remain calm as the police also tried to calm everyone down even though it wasn't helping.

You kept looking around hoping some miracle would happen because if not then you would have no where to stay. The building burning down was your apartment with all of your memories inside. It ripped your heart out as you saw it go up in flames since you where just about to go in too the apartment block.

You watched the fire arise but realise the flames weren't getting larger. It was like the fire was being... Controlled? You looked around seeing nothing or no one and just shrugged it off. You watched as the fire began to decrease over time and you weren't the only one who saw this.

You saw a fire ball fly through the sky and you thought you were going crazy. You heard people gasp and saw mouths drop. You looked up on top of the building, a guy that was lit up in fire. Like a human torch.

You watched him fly down to the road and walk over to you. People screamed and ran away as you stood there stuck.

What was happening?

He stopped in front of you as you felt the heat radiate onto you. "I heard you lived in this apartment. I'm really sorry, but I saved this" he said passing over an album full of your favourite photos. You smiled at him and said, "thank you... Uh", "human torch, the storm, fire ball, but I prefer Luke" he smiled.

"We'll thank you Luke"

"You're welcome Y/N".

Calum as Super-Man:

You saw a crowd of students standing in a huddle while some if them 'ooed' and 'ahhed'. You stood on your tip toes and saw Calum Hood was in a fight with Zack Hil. They hated each other and everyone was waiting for this day.

Zack was on top of Calum punching him, as Calum's eye went purple. Calum's face went red as he flipped them over and started beating up Zack, as he busted his lip, his eye also going purple and punched his nose as people heard a crack. Some girls screamed and ran off maybe getting a teacher.

Calum continued to punch him as Zacks face became bloodier. People started yelling at Calum saying he would kill Zack. Calum didn't listen though. You breathed out and whispered, "please stop Calum".

You saw him give him one last punch and look up at you. People turned to you as Calum stood up and walked off. You followed after him as he turned around knowing you were there.

"You don't get it. I can't control my anger and strength" he whispered as you nodded. "You should be glad you stopped. He was close to dying"

Calum snorted as you glared at him. "If he was still on top of me he would have punched me to death. He has no heart" Calum spat. You were taken aback at his rage. "Sorry..." You whispered.

Calum shook his head and said, "I'm sorry. I'm glad you told me too stop".

"How did you even hear me"? You asked. "Uh... Weird 6th sense I guess"

these aren't typical real life situations so use your common sense lol xx (but here is the 2nd update for this week bc I promised)


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