song preference - you and i anarbor

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a/n heaps of you liked my last anabor song pref so I'm gonna do another one :---) comment some more songs I can do preferences on.

Also, these aren't great but I'm gonna work on a sleeping with sirens song preference !!

'without you there's no reason for my story and when I'm with you I can always act the same'

"You make my life good" Calum casually said one day as I looked up at him in confusion. "I mean like, how boring would my story be without you in it"? He asked rhetorically. "Okay... Yeah." I nodded thinking about the idea of how boring my story would be without Calum.

"You also make mine interesting" I giggled. "And I can always be myself around you, like I don't have to change my personality" he continued on. "You're so cute" you laughed as Calum blushed.

"You're pretty cute too" he smiled, kissing the top of your nose.

'you and I we never get to sleep were up all day. we're over worked and under paid'

"Michael babe, could I have a massage, I'm so tired of woking" you sighed as Michael rolled his eyes. "You think I'm not tired? I'm sick of working too" he snapped as he walked off as you wanted to scream. You had worked all week, some night shifts and some just all day.

Michael had been in the studio every day for a few weeks and would usually go out which you had no idea why he would.

A few minutes later Michael came back and had a look of regret in his eyes

'you and I we've never felt so right, that's just what I might need'

You smiled at Luke as you watched him nervously stick his arm out for the tattoo artist. You were getting matching tattoos with Luke of birds. Both of you had suffered something and managed to pull through and you decided it would also be a cute couple tattoo.

"Does it hurt"? You asked him, and he paled slightly. "Uh, not - ow! Actually yes" he muttered as you giggled quietly. You took out your phone and took a photo and posted it on Twitter, quietly laughing at Luke's face.

"Nearly done" Phil, the tattoo artist said as Luke sighed in relief. "Never again" he said as you nodded.

15 minutes later Phil had put a bandage around Luke's arm to match mine. "Okay guys, try not to touch it or bump it for a few hours. You can remove the bandage in like 4 or 5 hours, but it might be a bit irritated or red so if it is just put the cream on it" he smiled as you both nodded thanking him and walked out the shop.

"This is the best time in my life, the best time with you"

Ashton: (HIS POV)
'you and I, we're the perfect fit you've got me hooked'

"You're so whipped" Calum laughed, as the other boys nodded agreeing. "Am not"! I protested as Y/N walked into the room.

"Hey Ash, can you come and quickly help me get a photo album? I can't reach it" She smiled as I nodded quickly. "Of course"

"Totally not whipped" Michael coughed, as Y/N smirked.

I walked upstairs with Y/N and stood on my tip toes to reach the photo album, but I couldn't reach it since it was on the top at the back of the cupboard.

"I'll grab a chair" I smiled as Y/N said not to bother. "No big deal" I smiled as she rolled her eyes but smiled. I walked back downstairs as the boys looked at me.

"Can't reach it so I'm getting a chair. And I'm not-"

"Not whipped? Ha you're funny Ash" Luke smiled as I gave them the finger.

I walked upstairs with the chair, and put it down and hugged Y/N. "You're so perfect" I whispered as smiled, blushing. "That was a bit random? But nice" she smiled.

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