twitter conversations

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a/n I'm sorry I haven't put up a proper preference in forever but I thought I should at least try update...

Michael -

@Y/T I miss you heapssss :( none of the boys will make me a sandwich

@Michael5SOS I swear you only want me to make sandwiches for you ha :p

@Y/T maybe that's true... no I'm joking I love you

@Michael5SOS I love you too x miss you

Luke -

@Luke5SOS is quoting mean girls

@Y/T I would never

@Luke5SOS don't lie babe, we all know you love mean girls

@Y/T I will never admit to such a thing

@Luke5SOS gonna ruin your manly-ness? ha 

@Y/T exactly.

Calum -

@Y/T I still don't understand how you don't like soccor...

@Calum5SOS it's so boring, how can you stand it

@Y/T cause I can play it. let's play a game now. Just come over to the US :L

@Calum5SOS I would if I could afford the ticket, and I have exams :( and what even is :L?

@Y/T I don't know honestly xx miss you

@Calum5SOS miss you more :( xx

Ashton -

Do you guys think I should do @Ashton5SOS makeup?

@Y/T you wouldn't dare! 

@Ashton5SOS oh I would, we should do the tag where I do your makeup and you do mine.

@Y/T nope no I don't want that stuff near my face

@Ashton5SOS you're no fun :-(

@Y/T ;)


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