they both like you part 2

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"Uh, Y/N... I'll leave to let you and Ashton talk" Luke muttered as he started walking off and you shook your head. "No Luke". He looked up at you and smiled, as Ashton sighed and walked off.

"I really like you Luke" you said shyly. Luke laughed, rubbing his hand on the back of his neck. "I really like you as well Y/N"

"So..."? I chuckled nervously as Luke smiled. "Do you want to go out tomorrow night"? "Are you asking me out on a date Luke Hemmings"? I smirked. "Hmm... I guess I am miss Y/N"

"We'll then, of course I will" I smiled. "Okay good, I will pick you up at 6 tomorrow" he smiled as you nodded. "Sounds good"


"Y/N. Who do you like more? Calum or me"? Michael asked, as you gulped. "Um..."

"I can't..." I whispered quietly. "Just tell us for Gods sake" Calum huffed. "Okay Calum, I like Michael more. He is much more attractive to me than you. Are you happy"? I spat as Calum sat there nervously.

"I didn't mean like that..." He muttered. I rolled my eyes at him, and flipped him out and walked off as Michael followed. "Hey, I'm really sorry for putting you in that position. It's just we are really competitive"

"I'm a competition"? I asked raising my eyebrow. Michaels eyes went wide as he gasped. "No, no... I didn't mean it like that. I really -"

I pressed my lips against Michaels as his lips stayed frozen then eventually responded. I felt his arms wrap around my waist, as we continued to kiss.

He pulled away and smiled shyly, as I smiled back. "Thanks"

A/N woWwzzza that was really bad but the best friends chap should be up this week/next week :---)

ps when I get to 50 chaps the updates won't be as regular

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