you get caught // part 2 (ashton)

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"I'm sorry Y/N" Luke whispered. You turned around and glared at Luke then ran off to try find Ashton.

You couldn't believe Luke didn't tell you about his little crush on you, but you also couldn't believe you kissed back. You were "apparently" so in love with Ashton, but you kiss back his best friend. You were more mad with yourself than Luke.

You turned the corner and saw Michael and ran over too him. "Have you seen Ashton"? You asked. "Yeah, he just went into the room over there" he nodded. "Is he alright? What happened" Michael asked, confused and concerned. "Uh, alright thanks" You smiled and walked to the room and knocked on the door.

You pressed your ear against the door and heard muffled cries. Your heart broke at the sound and you opened the door seeing Ashton slumped down with tissues on the ground.

"If it's Y/N, go away" he muttered, blowing his nose. You walked in, biting your lip and trying to stop yourself from running over and hugging him and telling him how sorry you are cause you know that wouldn't work.

"Ash..." You whispered, sitting beside him as he moved his knee closer to his leg. "Hm" he muttered, not making eye contact.

"Please look at me" you sighed, trying to lift his head as he pulled away. He eventually looked up and he had bloodshot eyes. "Your a mess" you whispered.

"Because of you" he pouted. "I know, I'm horrible and I'm bad girlfriend. You deserve better than me"

"Yeah, you're pretty bad girlfriend now" he admitted making you chuckle. "Ashton, I promise the kiss didn't mean anything. Luke just came on me. It didn't mean a thing" you said trying to get him to forgive you. Ashton looked up sighing, and looked in your eyes.

"Y/N... This isn't the first time though" Ashton sighed, looking back down at his hands. You internally groaned remembering the time you kissed someone at a party within the first 2 months of dating Ash.

"Ash babe... I was drunk. It's a crap excuse but you have to know you are the only person I love and care about this much. I wouldn't know what to do if you left me"

Ashton nodded, looking back up and pulled you in for a hug. "Y/N promise me you will never ever kiss anyone boy" Ashton said sternly.

"What if we aren't together one day" you asked. "We will always be together"

a/n heLLOO heaps of comments said they wanted part two, but I wasn't quite sure on what to write the other boys on, so I just decided to do Ashton's. I tried to make it longer considering its only one preference :)

It's 11pm here, so I'll edit it on my laptop tomorrow


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