song preference - uma thurman fall out boy

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A/N since fall out boys new album came out today and it is literally amazing and i'm wishing i can marry an album i decided to do a song preference (:

Also thank you soooo much for 3 million, that's insane <3

Ashton: (HIS POV)

"She wants to dance like Uma thurman and I can't get you out of my head"

I met a girl last night at the bar down the street and she asked me to dance. It caught me off guard, as she dragged me to dance and took dominance as we danced all night long.

She hasn't left my mind since and I need to see her again.

"I'm gonna call her" I shouted out to Calum as he laughed and wished me luck.

"Hello"? Her voice asked.

"Hi, it's Ashton from last night" I said, tapping my fingers on the counter top as I waited for a response.

"Dancing boy? Hello, it's Y/N" she said sounding surprised.

"I hope so" I chuckled, as Calum popped his head around the corner and winked at me as I flicked him off.

"Do you wanna grab dinner tonight"? I asked her as she muffled something and I waited.

"Yeah sure, just text me your address"

"I'll pick you up, Y/N" I said.

"I want to"

"You're very dominant"

"I have been told that. I believe that just because we are woman we don't have to be week"

Calum: (HIS POV)

"And I slept in last nights clothes and tomorrow's dreams"

I woke up feeling another weight on my bed as I rubbed my eyes and saw Y/N sleeping next to me.

I looked down seeing I was still in my jeans and button up top from last night, and she was still in her dress with her makeup smudged all over her face.

I gently shook her as she woke up and stared at me.

"Oh God, what's the time"? She asked panicking. "Oh it's... 9am" I replied playing with my hair.

"I need to go, sorry Calvin, right"? She muttered, rolling off the bed and picking her shoes off the ground as I muttered, "It's Calum"

"Thank you for the bed" she smiled, hugging me quickly as she ran out of the door and got in her car.

I was hoping she would have stayed a bit longer, and remember my name but nothing you dream for happens the next day.

Luke: (HIS POV)

"I can move mountains, I can work a miracle, work a miracle (oh oh)"

(Explanation; Uma Thurman was a very dominant character in 'Pulp Fiction' and wasn't impressed very easily, so that's why it's talking about miracles to try impress her)

She stood their with her arms crossed, and her lips pursed. "Impress me" she smiled smugly as I shrugged my shoulders.

"I can tell you things that are miracles" I replied as she waited. "I can move mountains"

"Is that how far you would go"? She asked as I nodded. "I will do anything for you Y/N, I promise you I will treat you like you should"

"Okay, I believe you Luke" she smiled, as I put my arm around her shoulder and she smiled.

Michael: (HIS POV)

"The stench of summer sex and CK eternity oh hell yes"

"She smelt amazing, oh my gosh" I gushed to Luke as he rolled his eyes and ate his burger. "I know, you have told me so many times"

"But dude, you don't understand. It was so sexual and -"

"I don't wanna hear details"! He said cutting me off as I whined as Luke flipped me off.

"It was Calvin Klein! She is so attractive. I wanna see her again" I sighed as Luke ignored me.

"Call her up then" Luke shrugged as I hummed and thought about how amazing she smelt.

"I haven't talked to her since summer, that was 2 months ago... She will think I'm a jerk" I muttered as Luke walked out the room.

"WHERE ARE YOU GOING"? I called out. "Getting you phone so you can call her"!

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