he gets jealous (MALUM)

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A/N someone suggested I write a pref on him being your best friend and he sees you talking to someone you like from a band but he gets jealous :) this is only malums because I will write lashton's another time soon !!!


You looked around in awe as you waited for the boys to finish on stage. You were backstage at the ARIAS (lmao I know the 1975 aren't going but for the pref!!!)

You saw them performing Good Girls on the TV in front of you as you smiled proudly. Your train of thought got disrupted from loud noises coming outside your door.

You got up and opened it up seeing Matty, George and Adam. Ross was know where to be seen but you nearly dropped your phone when you saw Matty.

"Hello" he smiled at you as you smiled nervously back. "Hey" you smiled back as George continued to talk. "You guys are performing tonight, right"? You asked to make conversation. "Yeah, we are" Adam nodded as you smiled, already knowing they were.

"I'm sure you will rock"

"Thanks... Uh- your're the guys girlfriend from 5sos"?

"Just friend... Calum, and yeah" you nodded. "They are cool" George nodded.

"Y/N"! You heard Michael call out as you saw the four boys run off stage. You laughed as you saw how sweaty were. "You guys did great"! You laughed, as Calum tried to hug you as you pushed him off.

"You smell like sweat" you said, scrunching your nose as Calum laughed. "I was just talking to -"
"Matty, Adam and George" Matty interrupted as you nodded. "Yeah I know" you nodded, blushing.

"She is a huge fan like -"

"Calum be quiet"! You said nudging him as Matty smiled at you. He shrugged and walked inside the room leaving you confused. "We better go, but do you want a photo"? Adam asked as you nodded.

"Thanks guys"

Luke took your phone and snapped a photo of you and the three boys.

"Good Luck"! You giggled, hugging Matty. They waved at you as you smiled happily. "I think Cal is jealous" Ashton whispered too you as you nodded.

"I'll talk to him"

You walked into the room and saw Calum lying down on the couch, looking through his phone. You saw down on the end of the couch and he looked up at you.

"I wasn't flirting with Matty" you told him.

"I know" he said.

"I just got jealous cause I know you have a huge crush on him and I didn't wanna ruin"

"You didn't ruin it, I'm glad I could experience it with my best friend" you said as Calum nodded, chucking.


You knew Michael new Jack from ATL, and he also knew you had a huge crush on him. Michael would try keep you away from Jack because he was scared you would run off with Jack and he would hurt you even though you would

a) never run off with jack
b) get hurt because you aren't with him

"Hey Mikey, can I come to the studio with you today"? You asked casually as Michael nodded then froze. "Oh, Jack might... be there" he added as you nodded, trying not to freak out. "That's cool"! You smiled.

At 11am, you met the boys at the studio and waited around after Luke heard that they were stuck in traffic. You kept flattening your dress down, and fixing your hair. You were literally sick to your stomach.

After about 10 minutes, you saw the doors swing open as Alex, Rian, Zack and Jack ran in puffing. "Sorry we were late - who is this"? Rian asked. "My best friend" Michael said, emphasizing 'my'. You nodded slowly, smiling at the guys. "Nice to meet you guys" you said, trying not to hyperventilate.

"She has a major crush on Jack" Calum spoke up, as you went bright red. "Oh my god" you muttered, turning away and hiding your face. You turned back to face the guys as you were met with Jacks face. "Hello"! He smiled, backing away making you squeak, and than blush. Michael laughed at you as you punched his chest lightly. 

"Hello Jack" you smiled, gaining a bit of confidence. "Here, Mike" Jack said, passing his phone to Michael. Michael nodded, not looking to happy but happy you had met Jack. You got a few photos with Jack, as Michael looked liked a robot taking the photos. Michael handed the phone back to Jack muttering a few words to the boys, and walked to the bathroom.

"I'll text them to you, here" Jack said passing his phone to you as you tried to stop shaking and added your number to his phone. "Thank you Jack" you smiled as he nodded.

They all walked into the studio as you followed and realised Michael wasn't there. You sighed trying to navigate your way to the bathrooms. You saw a sign on a door, and pushed it and knocked on the male toilets calling out Michael's name.

"Michael please come out of there" you sighed. You heard the door open and Michael walked out. "Yeah"? He asked. "Are you like, jealous or something"? you asked nervously. You had never had major feelings towards Michael, but you do have a small crush on him.

"Maybe" he muttered. "You don't like me, do you"? You asked. Michael shrugged. "I guess" he said casually. You nodded, blushing. "I didn't mean to make you jealous, I just -"

"You really like Jack. It's all good" he shrugged. "But I also like you"! You said. "I think we should both just... Think" you said, and linked arms with Michael and walked back into the studio.

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