you kill him

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A/N reverse situation instead of him killing you... It's a parody preference so please don't take offence!

Update: also i am not psycho , and this pref is a joke. so I'm mentally okay... I hope. I'm just scarred from the Internet but aren't we all?? bye guys

Late Merry Christmas! Hope you guys had a good day. Comment what you got :) AND IF YOU DON'T CELEBRATE CHRISTMAS HOPE YOU HAD A GOOD 25TH OF DECEMBER HEHE

By the way once I reach 80 preferences I won't be updating as often as I need a break. I have written all of the preferences myself, expect for the ones I give credit to whoever wrote it (although none are from tumblr, only DMed to me on wattpad)



"Damn Calum looks hot" you muttered as he jumped around on stage for practice.

"Wouldn't it be a shame... If I pushed him" you continued as you walked onto the stage and hugged Calum from behind.

"Love you" he whispered making you laugh and you pushed him off the stage as he landed on top of his bass guitar on the concrete.



"Here is your chicken sir" the waiter said putting Michaels dish down and your burger. You ate your food, making small talk until Michael started coughing.

"I'm choking" he muttered. "Bone"? You asked as he nodded and continued to make a horrible sound.

"Oh, be quiet please. That's horrible" you said as people stared at you. "You'll be fine" you said, and continued to eat your burger.

Michael continued to choke as you ignored him and eventually you got your knife and stabbed him.

"That's better"! You smiled, as everyone stared at you.

When you got home, the news was all about you stabbing your boyfriend who was choking.

You laughed shaking your head.


"Time for revenge"! You screamed and ran into your boyfriends room and karate chopped Ashton's arm with a knife as he screamed.

"Serves you right for getting the wrong pad brand"!


"Luke, you're so hot" you smiled at him as he chuckled, smiling. "It'll be sad when you die, you know"?

"But people can't deal with your hotness. It makes them not able to even" you said, pulling out your chainsaw and chopped his arm off.

"There! People can even"

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