first kiss

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You and Michael were best friends, except lately you had been avoiding him because you wanted to be more than friends. "Hey Y/N"! Michael said happily through the phone.

"Oh, hey Mikey" you replied back. "Wanna do something today? I have it planned! Pick you up in 15" Michael said happily as you replied with an "ok".

You groaned and slipped on your converse not wanting to see him, until your feelings had gone away. "Y/N! Michaels here"! Your mum called as you ran downstairs seeing Michael talking to your mum. "Let's go then" you smiled nervously as you walked towards Michaels car and got in. "Where too"? You asked.

"Secret" Michael winked, as he drove off. He stopped outside a small park that was isolated but still very pretty. "I come here a lot" he murmured as you nodded. "C'mon -" Michael said turning around but you were standing right behind him which made him fall on top of you. "Hey there" he chuckled, making you go red. You looked at Michael, who was staring at your lips. You looked down at his and took an inwards breathe as you both leaned in.

He presses his lips against yours as you wrapped your hand around his torso and deepened the kiss. You both pulled away slightly breathless as he whispered. "Another reason why this place is special"'


The end of your third date with Luke was coming to an end and he still hadn't kissed you, or you still hadn't kissed him. You were getting anxious that he wouldn't ever kiss you. "Hey, are you okay"? He asked, grabbing onto your hand. You looked up nodding.

"Um Luke, I really like you... But I was wondering why haven't we kissed yet"? Luke looked down, slightly blushing. "I, I think I'm a bad kisser and I didn't think you wanted me too"

"You can't be as bad as me"! You giggled grabbing onto his other hand and looked into his eyes. "Let's just kiss, now" you whispered as you both leant in and he brushed his lips against yours. They were soft and gentle. You pressed your lips against his and he did the same and he put his arms around your waist as you lifted your up to his neck, not breaking the kiss. You both eventually pulled away as Luke looked down.

You pulled his chin up and smiled at him. "Whoever told you, you were a bad kiser... They were wrong" you smiled making Luke grin.


"Ash! Please" Ashton laughed as you struggled underneath his grip as he ticked your sides. "Nope, sorry babe" he winked as he continued to ticket you. "Ash! I'll pee" you said, as he took his hands away as you smirked. You had always said that to stop people from tickling you.

"No you aren't"! Ashton said, said straddling you as he ticked you even more making you squirm underneath him. "Stop squirming Y/N" Ashton whispered. "Only if you stop ticking me" you smirked. "Only if I can do this" Ashton grinned, leaning down and kissing you hard. You smiled and kissed back tangling your hands in his hair. You both pulled away for a few short seconds but then attached your lips back and you kissed him even harder.


"Hey Cal" you called out as he jumped onto your bed. "Yeah, what is it"? He asked. "Have you kissed anyone"? You asked. "Um, no" he shook his head. "Have you"? He asked, while you shook your head. "Maybe... We could kiss? Ya know, experience"? He suggests fiddling with his thumbs. "Oh, yeah. Okay" you nodded. You both sat there as Calum smiled. "This kiss isn't going to happen if you just sit there Y/N" Calum chuckled.

"Oh! You mean now? Okay" you nodded blushing. "If you want" Calum muttered. You nodded leaning in as Calum turned his head the other direction so you wouldn't bump into each other. You giggled lightly just before you pressed your lips against his. He had soft, wet plump lips. It was nice against yours. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled his closer as he snakes his arms around your back and pressed your against him. You kissed for a few more moments before pulling away.

"You're... A really good kisser" Calum muttered blushing. "So are you" you giggled. "Can I kiss you again"? Calum asked. "Please" you smiled as you both moved in for round two.

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