you hear him talking about you MUKE

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"I think she might be anorexic, she barley eats anything and she always avoids the topic of food..." He sighed as you felt tears fill your eyes.

"She seems pretty healthy"? Calum shrugged. "But dude, she is barley eating. I mean she is perfect and I don't see why she is starving herself" Luke muttered.

"Maybe she has self confidence issues"? Calum replied, as you slid down the wall covering your eyes.

"I don't know... I think I'll talk to her about it". Just as Luke said that you walked in and looked at him. He looked up at you and opened his arms up as you walked over and hugged him while you sobbed in his chest.

"I love you" he whispered, kissing the top of your head.


"How is she dude"? Ashton asked, nudging him. All of the boys were over and you had gone to get drinks but over heard the boys talking about you.

"Like... In um, bed"? He stuttered as they all nodded. Michael shifted uncomfortably as you became incredibly self conscious. "I mean she's good, but I've had... Better" he shrugged. You felt your heart fall out, as tears fell from your eyes.

For one, Michael knew you hated him talking about your private life, and two you had just over heard your boyfriend talking about how you were 'good'.

You shook your head, walking back into the kitchen, grabbing the drinks and storming into the room all the boys were in.

You slammed the drinks down in front of Michael and walked off as he shouted out to you.


"Y/N"! You heard Michael yell as you walked down the street. "Leave me alone" you shouted as you gave him the finger and continued to walk off.

"Please Y/N"! Michael cried out as he ran up to you and grabbed your shoulders.

"You know I hate talking about our personal life, then you go tell the boys you have had better"? You yelled at him as he shook his head.

"Y/N please listen to me" Michael begged. "I only said that because I didn't want to tell them you are amazing and get them drooling over you. I know it was a stupid move, but I love you Y/N" Michael said.

You looked at him, not knowing what to do. "Okay" you said.

"Are you mad"? He asked. "We'll obviously! But I still love you... I guess" you shrugged.

"You guess"? He asked nervously. You smiled at him and rolled your eyes. "I still love you"

pls comment if you want cashtons, I can't be bothered doing theirs rn bc I have heaps more preferences to write from the requests and I feel I have given u guys really short preferences lately !!!

love u all xxx

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