you're famous & dating him

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You were a famous beauty guru on YouTube and dating Ashton Irwin. He wasn't famous, just a regular guy from Sydney.

You had uploaded the 'boyfriend does my makeup' tag video a few hours ago and you were scrolling through the comments. Half of them were attacking your relationship, Ashton or yourself. You were sick and tired of it and quickly opened the video on your phone up.

"Hey guys, it's Y/N. I've just been scrolling through my new videos comments and I'm so sick of seeing people attacking my relationship with Ashton. I would appreciate if you didn't spam my comments with hate, because I'm over it. I don't understand why you would do that, like you don't even know me personally. I love Ashton and just because he isn't famous doesn't mean anything"

I quickly ran over to Ashton and kissed his cheek as he smiled and his dimples popped out.

"Anyways! Thank you for the nice comments and yep! Y/N and Ash... OUT"! You squealed finishing the video and sitting next to Ashton while you played with his hair.

"I love you Y/N" he smiled, kissing your nose.


"Let's go Mike"! You called out as you were walking the red carpet with your boyfriend. He had frozen in front of everyone, and paparazzi's where everywhere.

You ran over to him - in your 5 inch heels, and grabbed his arm as you dragged him along.

"Sorry, I just freaked" he muttered, kidding you temples as people tools photos.

"It's all good babe" you smiled, squeezing his hand and continuing your way down the carpet together.

After another half hour or so, you made your way to the hall they would be premiering your blockbuster movie. You were filled with emotions, nervous but so excited to see it.

"I'm so proud of you" Michael said as you sat down and everyone's talk went down as the lights went off.

You turned to him, and quickly pecked his lips as you turned back towards the screen.


You were currently at an interview with your band as the interviewer turned to you and asked, "Y/N what inspired you to start playing guitar"?

"Oh! Funny story", you giggled. "My boyfriend, Luke used to be in a band in high school and played guitar. One day I picked it up and he came in and taught me how to play. I owe it too him" you grinned, blowing a kiss at the camera as the interviewer nodded happily.

"That's very adorable, how long have you guys been together"?

"About 4 years, since high school! We have had our ups and downs - especially with the band but we will always stick together"


"CAL! What's the time" you yelled as you threw on a pair of shorts and singlet and ran into the kitchen.

"It's still an hour! I'll drop you off in time" he smiled as you nodded, and went back into the bathroom to brush your teeth and hair.

20 minutes later you were in the car with your boyfriend and on the way to the studio for a photo shoot.

"Am I able to watch today"? He asked cheekily, knowing it was a swimsuit shoot for Victoria's Secret.

"Maybe" you laughed as he squeezed your thigh and pulled into a parking. You walked into the building hand in hand and signed in.

"Hello Y/N"! Rachel, the photographer shouted as you hugged her.

"Hey, hey! Is Calum able to watch today"? You asked as she raised her eyebrow.

"Yeah he can", she said turning to Calum. "You'll just have to sit over there and be hush hush" she smiled as he nodded.

After you had your hair, clothes and makeup down you walked out and started posing for the shoot.

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