cuddling blurb

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I think Ashton would be a big cuddler and wanna cuddle all the time, when you guys are watching movies or having a lazy day. He would hold you close, while you had your head rested on his chest.


I think Michael likes to tell the boys that he doesn't cuddle cause it would ruin his 'bad boy' image, but in all honestly he is a sweetheart and would cuddle with you. The boys would go over to Michaels house and catch you both cuddling and bag him out while he turned bright red.


Since Luke is like a giant when you both cuddled you would be engulfed by Luke's body and he would run his fingers through your hair while you both made small talk and you eventually would fall asleep to Luke singing softly to you. 


Like Ashton, Calum would also be a big cuddler and cuddle with you around the boys since it was normal for them to see him cuddle. They would sometimes tease him but he would flip them off and you would both continue to cuddle for the rest of the day.

a/n sorry for the lack of updates, I just started school last week so yeah. more should be up soon xx

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