song preference - 18 anarbor

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'eighteen, crazy pulled up in your daddy's car you wanna move in with me guess we're off to a heavy start'

You pulled up Calum's apartment visitor parking and stopped the engine. You sighed before getting your bag and switching your phone off after getting hundreds of texts from your dad for taking his car to this 'deliquents' place. You rolled your eyes at him and told him he wasn't a deliquent.

You walked to Calim's building and took the elevator up to level 4. Once you had got there you knocked on his apartment door and was greeted by a shirtless Calum, with a cigar sticking out of his lips.

"Hey" he grinned as you smiled. "Hi" you said, walking in a breathing in smoke and coughing. "Sorry..." he chuckled, as you shrugged at him. "All good" you replied, and sat down on his couch. "This is so cool. I wanna move in with you" you smiled at him. He chuckled, rasing his eyebrow and sat down next to you.

"Woah... Heavy start"? he said raising his eyebrow again. "I guess" you shrugged. "Don't treat me like a baby, I'm 17" you huffed. "Sorry" he said, rolling his eyes. "All good" you smiled, moving closer to Calum as he grinned.


'so if you wanna piss off your parents, date me to scare them'

"Mum! Dad! I have brought my boyfriend home" you grinned, coming into the kitchen with Michael when your mother dropped her glass of wine. "What is this"? Your father asked. "Uh, my boyfriend"? You replied rolling your eyes.

"No, you cannot date him" your mother said after collecting herself. "Hi I'm Michael" he smiled at your parents as they glared at him.

"What happened to Elijah"? Your mother asked. "He got boring" you shrugged as Michael chucked.

"I can't believe you Y/N, bringing home this boy with drawings and piercings all over him" your dad said shaking his head.

You rolled your eyes and shrugged. "Please, leave Michael" your mum spat at him as you followed him out.

"Where are you going"? Your father shouted. "Out"! You replied as you slammed the door to annoy your parents even more.

"That was great" Michael laughed as you nodded agreeing.


'and I know it's just a phase, you're not in love with me'

"Luke"? She called out as I walked into her room. "Let's get matching tattoos" she smiled, as she patted the spare seat beside me.

"Matching"? I chuckled nervously. "Yeah"! She smiled. "Y/N, do you really want this? Cause I know it's stupid me speaking but they are on your skin forever..." I said. "I know that..." She nodded.

"We aren't even dating. This is just a phase, you wanna annoy your parents, date older, uneducated boys with tattoos and piercings who smoke and drink. Someone your parents despise" I said as she nodded. "You're right. Sorry" she muttered.

"I thought I was in love with you but I'm not. It's just a phase" she smiled. "Okay" I replied, nodding.

"At least you are half smart, Luke" she chuckled as I shrugged. "You were smart enough to stay in school" I replied.


'I drink, I smoke, you ate it up from the very start'

"Mum! Can I bring my friend Ashton home this afternoon"? You shouted out. "Is it a girl"? Your mum replied. "Boy" you called back.

"Okay" she shouted back. You texted back Ashton saying;

you can come over x

He replied with;

okayy ;) xx

You smiled putting your phone away and went back downstairs.


You heard a knock at the door and saw Ashton through the glass. You smiled and your face dropped as soon as you saw him.

He had a cigar hanging from his lips, which he then dropped onto the concrete and stood on. He popped a mint in his mouth and smiles. He had all of his tattoos showing and he put his lip ring and eyebrow piercing back in.

"Ashton! You told me you would cover your tattoos and take your piercings out" you whispered harshly as he shrugged.

"And when did you get all these tattoos"? You asked as he laughed. "I have always had them. I lied to you from day one" he shrugged as you rolled your eyes.

"Y/N? Is ashton here" your mum called out as she walked to the door.

"Y/N"! Your mum shouted as you waited for her to rage. "You never told me he was this attractive" your mum smiled kindly at Ashton (plot twist :]).

"Hello Mrs Y/L/N" he smiled, shaking her hand. "Are you dating my daughter"? Your mum asked as Ashton shook his head.

"Not yet" he smiled at you, as you pushed him away.


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