you're on your period

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"Go away, Michael" you groaned pushing him off him while he frowned. "What's up"? He asked. "Nothing" you muttered, snappy. "Is it that time of the month again"? He smirked.

"I swear to god Michael" you snapped. "Go away". He sighed, getting off the couch and waking down the hall. You sighed, feeling bad for snapping at him but you didn't feel well at all today. A few minutes later he reappears with pandol in his hand and a heated up water bottle.

"Here..." He muttered, shyly handing you the items as you smiled thankfully at him. "Sorry for snapping babe" you sighed.

"It's okay... I'll get used to it" he smiled, hugging you tightly.


"Hey Luke? Are you going to the shops"? You shouted out, searching for pads or tampons. "Yeah, what do you need"? He called out, waking into the bedroom.

"I ran out of tampons and pads, could you grab me some please"? You begged, Luke's face flushing. "Uh... What ones"? He asked. "Just normal ones" you replied. "Okay" he nodded still a bit red.

20 minutes later, the door opened and you saw Luke with two bags. Here" he said hanging you the bag holding it as far away as possible. "It's not a disease" you chuckled at him. He glared at you. "Everyone was looking at me carrying... Them around"! He pointed. "Sorry, it's over now" you said kissing his cheek and running to the bathroom.


"Hey baby! I brought chocolate, movies, pandol..." Ashton trailed off, walking into your house. "Hey Ash" you called out, curled up into a ball on the couch.

"Y/N"? He asked frantically as you groaned. "Sorry, just cramps" you muttered. "Here. I'll go get you a hot water bottle" he says passing you the pandol and getting the bottle.

You grabbed the water from the stand, gulping down 2 pandols hoping the cramps would stop soon. A few minute later Ashton came back passing you the hot water bottle as you two cuddle and watched movies all day.


"Calum... My cramps" you whispered as you finished dinner for your 1 year anniversary. "That ruins everything" he muttered under his breathe.

"Let's go" he said, holding you close and you both quickly made the way to his car as the cramps got worse making you close your eyes in pain.

"I'm sorry baby, I want the pain to go away" he said, starting the car and putting the music on a low.

You eventually got to your house and you raced out of the car and up to your doorstep opening the door. Calum followed after you bumping into your mum.

"What happened"? She asked. "Uh, she um... Was getting cramps" Calum said awkwardly. "Oh, right" she nodded.

"I'm just gonna... Check on her" Calum muttered, as your mum nodded as he found you curled up into a ball crying softly.

"Y/N? What do you need"? He whispered. "Hold, hold me" you snuffled as, Calum pulled you in for a hug and kissing the top of your head saying it will go away soon.

You believed him and about 20 minutes later the cramps had stopped hurting and you thanked Calum.

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