you hear him talking about you CASHTON

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"I think she might be pregnant..." Calum muttered to Luke as your eyes widened. "Dude, what"? Luke said sounding confused.

"I mean, she has missed her period, been craving cheese tosties, having really bad mood swings and stuff" Calum shrugged as you took deep breathes so you didn't cry.

"I don't know what I would do if she was pregnant, I mean we are only young" he sighed as Luke nodded.

In fact, you were pregnant and so scared Calum would leave you. You quietly knocked on the wall and walked into the room where they both looked up at you.

"Hey babe" Calum grinned. You smiled at him, then asked Calum quietly if you could talk to him.

You walked out of the room and into the hallway as you took a deep breathe. "I am pregnant. Please, please don't - don't leave me. I didn't tell you because I thought you would get scared and leave and just - I can't handle -"

You were cut off by Calum's lips then him saying; "I would never ever leave you. Or this baby" he smiled as you pursed your lips then smiled happily.

"I love you, Cal"


You walked into the same old music shop everyday, walking around not even touching the CD's and vinyls.

"Hi. Can I help you"? A boy behind the counter would always ask. You shook your head and finally walked over to the instrument in the shop. You would look at the drums and look at the price tags then sigh and walk out of the shop.

This happened for 4 months but everyday you walked in the boy behind the counter, Ashton would start a conversation with you if it was about the drums or green day.

You two eventually started dating and it made you happy, even though you never showed it.

"I think... She has depression" you heard Ashton whisper as you heard another voice quietly talk.

You rang the bell on the desk and Ashton ran out than smiled when he saw you.

"I do have depression. I have had it for a while now, but I have gotten better" you said quietly as Ashton opened his arms wide and hugged you.

This is the most personal thing you have told Ashton and you hoped he would stay.

"I'll help you" he whispered. That made you smile.

A.N if you are going through depression/anxiety/eating disorder, anything please tell someone you trust and go get help!!

it is good to get help from a professional because they have dealt with the illnesses before and know better how to handle/react than a friend you trust.

i love u all, stay safe x

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