he wakes you up (non-parody)

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@a-writing-weirdo wrote this for me a few weeks ago, so thank you! (:


You're just drifting off to sleep when you hear soft laughter. You flip onto your side to see Ashton giggling as he watched something on his phone.

"Ashton, I'm trying to sleep!"

"I'm sorry, he's just so funny!"

You sigh. "Who?"

"Tyler Oakley. He's queen you know," Ashton informs you quite seriously before shifting his attention back to the small screen.

You roll your eyes good-naturedly before flipping back over and closing your eyes. "G'night Ash."


You wake up to a crash from the kitchen, followed by a string of curses. You sit up in bed, allowing yourself a minute to get allowed to the sunlight, before glancing over to the empty space where your boyfriend usually sleeps.

You swing your legs out of the warm bed reluctantly, and head towards the kitchen. As you get nearer, you can hear the sizzle of bacon and the aroma of pancakes. Stomach growling, you round the corner and laugh at Calum as he attempts to sweep up a broken plate.

You walk over to help him. "Good morning, what's all this?" You ask as you help him guide the broom into the dustpan.

"Well, I was supposed to bring it to you in bed, but happy birthday, Y/N!" Calum says excitedly.

You gasp. "Oh my gosh, I forgot!"

Calum snickers at you. "You forgot your own birthday?"

"Shut up," you mutter as you elbow him.


The sound of a gunshot jolts you awake. You glance around in a panic before realizing the only gun is on the TV screen. Michael is sitting at the end of your bed, eyebrows furrowed in concentration in that cute way you love. However, you do not love it at 3AM.

"Mikeyyyy. It's late. Go to sleep!"

"One more level, Y/N," he mutters, not even turning to look at you.

"Michael Gordon Clifford," you begin in your best scary voice.

He cuts you off, "Your scary voice doesn't work when you've just woken up", he chuckles.

You giggle in spite of yourself. "Please come to bed, Michael. I'm tired and I just want to cuddle."

He throws his controller down and scrambles towards you. "Maybe we can do more than just cuddle," he says, trying to wriggle his eyebrows suggestively.

"Ha, no," you reply, turning off the TV and the lights before snuggling into him.


You wake up to the sound of a guitar strumming. You glance over at Luke, and sure enough, he's messing around on his guitar. He looks up and meets your gaze, smiling.

"Hey, Y/N!" 

You scoot over to his side of the bed and he wraps an arm around you, laying his guitar softly on the floor with his other hand.

"I'll never get enough of waking up with you right next to me," you smile into his shoulder. 

"I know," he sighs happily. "Tour was too long. Next time you have to come with me." 

"Agreed!" you say enthusiastically as he presses a kiss to your forehead.

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