you get a pet

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A/N I wanted a sorta fluffy preference so yep ^_^


You were cuddled up to Calum on the couch when he sat up and looked at you, grinning. "Let's go get a pug"!

"What"? You laughed, not knowing if he was serious or not. "I'm being serious! It would be fun" Calum smiled as you thought about it.

"Do we have to get a pug"? You asked, not very fond of them. "Well we can get a cute dog" Calum shrugged.


You got to the local dog shelter and looked around at the dogs. You heard a cry from behind you, and you turned around seeing a small chocolate pug crying.

You awed at it, and knelt down reading the information about it. "Calum"! You called you, as Calum walked over to you and smiling as soon as he saw the dog.

"Thought you didn't want a pug"? He chuckled as you shrugged. "He's cute. Let's get him"


You had wanted a cat since you could remember and were extremely jealous of your friend in fifth grade who had a fluffy white cat.

"Can we get a cat"? You asked Michael sleepily as you cuddled into his bare chest. "I guess" he mumbled, pressing a kiss to your temple.

"Okay" you smiled, putting you arm around his torso as he let his lips linger on your forehead.

In the morning you had come back from the Gym and saw Michael had left a note.

went out, be back by 11 - mike xx

You crumbled the note up and threw it in the trash as you opened the fridge and got a premade banana smoothie out.

You sat on the couch, looking through Instagram when you heard the door open. You went to the door and saw Michael holding a cage with a white Persian cat.

"Oh my gosh! It's so cute"! You squealed hugging Michael and taking the cat from him as you watched over the bunny for the rest of the day.


"I think I love... Bunnies"! You screamed as Luke laughed as you scrolled through thousands of pictures of bunnies.

"We should get one"

"What"? Luke asked nervously. He wasn't good with pets. He usually forgot to feed them and his mum would get really angry and take his pocket money away for the week. But you weren't planning on taking his pocket money.

"Uh, if you want" Luke shrugged as you grinned and pointed out a white bunny you thought was cute and Luke nodded and went into the bedroom and ringing up pet shops.


It was your Birthday and you didn't really want much, maybe just a new phone case and a pair of socks. Lame, but you were always loosing socks.

You woke up and saw Luke had gone out as you shrugged and decided to make breakfast as Luke yelled as he ran through the door.

"I got breakfast! And a bunny! Happy birthday baby"! He smiled as you hugged him tightly and kissed him before taking the bunny and setting it out of the cage and petting it all day long.


You had always wanted a cat but Ashton was allergic to them so you decided you both wanted a guinea pig.

They were cute, small and easy to look after. You were in a pet shop looking around and had in mind a colour guinea pig you wanted.

You saw a brown top and white belly one, and called Ashton over.

"It's so cute"! You grinned as he agreed. "Are you sure you want this one"? He asked as you nodded.

"So sure! This is exciting"

One of the employees came over and took the guinea pig out, and put it in a cage you decided to buy.

After you payed you went home and looking after the guinea pig, feeding it lettuce, carrots, cucumbers and salad left overs.

"We need to name it"! Ashton yelled, laughing at how to totally forgot to name it.

"Well, she looks like a Sophie. Sophie the guinea pig" you nodded as Ashton laughed.

"Sophie the guinea pig? Really... Okay" he sighed thinking the name sounded ridiculous but agreed on it.

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