he gets jealous (lashton)

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You were a major, hardcore fangirl but Ashton still managed to put up with you. He didn't mind you fangirled over bands, and thought Michael was hot. Okay, he did care you thought that but he didn't know you had a blog on tumblr of your favourite bands and you reblogged pictures of Michael. He will never find out.

You were scrolling through your tumblr as you reblogged a Phan picture, squealing at their cuteness as Ashton walked in and you slammed your laptop closed. "Yes"? You asked casually. Ashton raised his eyebrow at you as you laughed it off and kept smiling like a maniac. "Don't freak out on me but do you wanna be my plus one to this party..."? Ashton asked. You looked at him blankly.

"Whose gonna be there"?

"Just Pierce the Viel, All Time Low... A few others" Ashton shrugged as he watched you hold in your screams. "Oh my gosh Ashton" you mumbled, not knowing how to react. "Do I have too"?

"Are you kidding? Aren't you happy"? Ashton frowned as you immediately felt bad. "I am! But I'll probably do something really stupid... You know me" you sighed.

"Please come? I'm the only one in the band going and I don't feel like getting mobbed on my way there" He pouted as you nodded agreeing. "What do I wear"?

"Casual" he smiled, as he got off your bed and walked out of the room. You grabbed the pillow and screamed into it as you tried to control your inner fangirl.


You arrived nervously at the party as you clung onto Ashton's arm and he comfoted you. "Do you wanna grab a drink"? He asked as you smiled and nodded as you walked into the kitchen. "Don't look now" Ashton breathed as you looked at him confused then realised. Vic Fuentes was standing a few feet away from you as your eyes widened.

"Calm down Y/N" Ashton whispered as you nodded and started pouring vodka and sprite. You felt a pair of eyes on you as you turned around and blushed while smiling at Vic.

"Hey... You are"? He asked.

"Oh... Y/N. Ashton invited me" You replied as he nodded. "Ashton Irwin? 5 Seconds of Summer dude"? He asked as you replied.

"Thats cool" he smiled and began to walk off before you called out for him. "Can I get a photo with you"? you asked. He nodded laughing, as Ashton glared at Vic while he took photos. You giggles silently at how jealous he was getting. Once Ashton took the photos Vic left and walked off leaving you crying on the inside and Ashton muttering words under his breathe.


"I think we are going to collab with the Arctic Monkeys" Luke muttered to you as your eyes widened. "Are you kidding? That's amazing"! You gasped as he sheepishly nodded. "Excited"?

"I am! But Ashton can't wait" he laughed. "We are going to lunch with them today and they knew about you and asked if you wanted to go" Luke shrugged.

"What? No"! You shook your head. "I don't wanna be there and ruin the experience"

"Good! You'll be drooling over Alex and I don't want my best friend to date someone in a band" Luke pouted as you giggled.

"Stop overreacting and getting so jealous! I'm not gonna date him Luke" you laughed. "I'll join anyways" you winked as Luke groaned.

"It'll be fun"!


The band and you reached the cafe and walked inside sitting at a booth in the corner.

"Luke is gonna get so jealous" Calum whispered in your ear as you laughed and shook it off.

"There they are" Michael said as they all walked in looking like Gods. "Oh my gosh" I whispered squeezing Calum's arm as he whacked it off.

"Hi" Matt smiled as they all greeted each other. "And you must be the famous Y/N"? Alex asked as you went bright red and nodded.

"I am"

"Luke talked a lot about you" he laughed as you melted. Luke narrowed his eyes at Alex as he winked at you.

"See"? Calum whispered as you pushed him off. "Have you guys ordered yet"? Jamie asked as you all shook your heads.

The day continued as Luke kept getting jealous when you talked to Alex, or any of the other boys in fact. He would sulk for a bit them become professional again.

"Thanks for your time" Nick smiled at all of us as the boys talked to them quietly for a bit until we all left the shop.

"You were so jealous Luke" Michael laughed as Luke went bright red. "He kept flirting with her"! He said defending himself as we all laughed at Luke.

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